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The authors in Chapter 8 of the Bartol & Bartol (2019) text state that socializa

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The authors in Chapter 8 of the Bartol & Bartol (2019) text state that socialization factors “refer to those processes through which a person learns patterns of thinking, behavior, and feeling from his or her early life experiences.” They also maintain that children can learn as much through observation of another person they deem significant or highly admire as they can from their own direct experiences. Therefore, the argument remains that children learn through exposure to television, movies, or fictional characters found in video games. A great deal of research has been conducted over the years indicating that children tend to mimic specific violent or antisocial responses they have observed in others through vicarious means.
Discuss the impacts this research could have for supporting the argument for limiting young children’s exposure to violent media images. Answer the following questions in your post:
What have the vast majority of research studies delving into the effects of violent media found with respect to children and violent imagery?
Do you believe it is a parental right to allow young children to freely view or consume violent media imagery?
Should additional governmental policies be developed and implemented to limit violent media exposure for children?
Include information from your review of a relevant scholarly journal.
Guided Response: Your initial post should be at least 300 words in length. Support your observations with examples from the required materials and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. Respond to at least two or your colleagues’ posts by Day 7. Be sure to include the construct limitations of criminology that could be addressed through biosocial criminology. Also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of establishing credibility for biosocial criminology, and whether you agree with your peer’s views – and why or why not. Continue to monitor the discussion forum until 5:00 p.m. (Mountain Time) on Day 7, and respond with robust dialogue to anyone who replies to your initial post.

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