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Home » You are required to write a report critically evaluating the competitive position of the company by addressing the following: Strategic management concepts Report, TCD, Ireland

You are required to write a report critically evaluating the competitive position of the company by addressing the following: Strategic management concepts Report, TCD, Ireland

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Assignment Brief

Company: Cairn Homes plc
You are required to write a report critically evaluating the competitive position of the company by addressing the following:

What business is the company in?
Strategically assess the main business, industry, and market(s) of your chosen company. Identify the company’s Purpose /Mission/Vision and Values and how they relate to the business.

2. External Environment
Using PESTEL analysis, critically evaluate the Key/Dominant Drivers of Change for your chosen company, and analyse whether these drivers of change have a positive or negative effect. PESTEL analysis of Drivers of Change must be (i) relevant to the company/industry, (ii) limited to dominant factors affecting your company and, (iii) relate only to current and future events. Drivers of Change must be critically evaluated and not merely described.

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3. Industry Environment
For the main/primary business of your chosen company, and using Porter’s 5 Force framework, analyse your chosen company’s current competitive environment. 5 forces aspects must be critically evaluated not merely described and classified as high/low/medium threats or sources of power.

4. Internal Analysis

Conduct an internal analysis of your chosen company through the following concepts:

a) Identify min. 3 and max. 5 Distinctive Resources and Distinctive Capabilities within your chosen company. You are required to justify your selected resources and capabilities.

Using VRIO analysis, assess whether the company of your choice has a Sustained Competitive Advantage; critical supporting analysis of the VRIO must be included.

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