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Write A Research Proposal On A Psychologically Relevant Topic And The Proposal Requires The Student To Choose A Psychologically Relevant Topic: Psychology Assignment, TCD, Ireland

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Write A Research Proposal On A Psychologically Relevant Topic And The Proposal Requires The Student To Choose A Psychologically Relevant Topic: Psychology Assignment, TCD, Ireland

University Trinity College Dublin (TCD) 
Subject Psychology

Write a research proposal on a psychologically relevant topic. The proposal requires the student to choose a psychologically relevant topic and systematically develop it as if they were submitting it to an Ethics committee. The steps involved in the process include.

  •  Identifying and structuring the research question.
  • Conducting a modest literature review around the topic of interest, and developing a scientific rationale for the proposal topic
  • Ensuring all important variables are adequately defined. o Stating the 3 main hypotheses/research questions emerging from the overall research question
  • Stating the specific corresponding design, and associated variables  o The methods should be outlined, including the names and corresponding references of any measures proposed
  • Sample information is required as is information on any potential ethical concerns which may arise from the proposed study and possible ways to address them. o Brief mention of the descriptive and inferential statistics proposed.

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