UU-ECO-3011-MW: MACROECONOMICS Essay Help/ Coursework Assessment Help

Module/Course Description

Course Title: Macroeconomics

Course Code: UU-ECO-3011-MW

Programme: Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics and Business – MW

Credits: 24.00

Course Description:

Module Description

Macroeconomics aspect of the economy focuses on the economy as a whole, looking at goals such as the growth of a country regarding the standards of living, unemployment and inflation. Also Macroeconomics are divided into main types of policies: the monetary and fiscal policies, which are the main interest of study during this module.

Module Aim

To enhance students’ knowledge of macroeconomics.

Module Learning Outcomes

After completion of the module students should be able to:

  1. Compute economic variables
  2. Analyze the aggregate demand – aggregate supply model, the concept of the multiplier and the business cycle.
  3. Explain the effect of monetary and fiscal policies on the economy.
  4. Explain the importance of balance of payments, international trade and how the value of foreign exchange is determined.

Prerequisites: UU-BA-IND100, UU-FNT-103

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