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QHO441 : Positive Psychology for Success Individual Pitch Presentation

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Module Code: QHO441

Module Title: Positive Psychology for Success

Individual Pitch Presentation

Word-Count : 15 mins including questions. 9 Slides Maximum

Assessment Task

The Confederation of British Industries (CBI 2019) undertook an education and skills survey of 190,000 employers and work-readiness was a major theme, in which over a third of employers felt that young people were not work ready. In addition, they found that there were ‘three consistent themes that unite every attempt to define ‘work readiness’ – knowledge, skills and character.’ In their 2021 report 58% of employers require ‘Leadership and management skills to maintain their competitiveness.’ (CBI 2021).

Your degree journey will cover the knowledge, but the Professional Personal Development (PPD) modules in your degree will help you understand the skills and character elements. Throughout this module we will be identifying and reflecting on these so that we can support you to be as competitive as possible to realise your career aspirations.

You will draw from the activities which you have undertaken throughout this module, firstly, through the development of self-awareness of your skills and behaviours.  And secondly, self-management through the development of an action plan to ensure that when you come to apply for your aspirational work placement/internship that you have put yourself in a competitive position to secure this. Of course, you will also need to illustrate your academic skills in the research, referencing and presentation elements too.

As a minimum we would expect to see the following in your pitch presentations:

  • Slide 1: Introduction.

Name, Module code and Title, Tutor, Introduce the position you are applying for.

Link to your Panopto Recording.

  • Slide 2: Work Placement/Role & Industry.

Outline of the work position you are considering applying for, including what drew you to it. (Your motivation). Include research findings on the industry that the company sits within, and industry trends drawing from a range of credible academic sources.

References minimum of one web source, and two sources from the library database.

  • Slide 3 SWOT

Reflection and discussion around your self-awareness in your skills and behaviours audit related to the position you are considering applying for including an evaluation of why you are suited to the role. Provide clear examples of how you know you have these skills, for example, work experience, psychometric tests, professional values, volunteering, sports, student rep, college opportunities etc. An outline of extra self-development activities that you have undertaken, e.g., networking, job fairs, guest speakers, LinkedIn Learning and progress on the Solent Futures E Learning site etc. Keep an eye out on the module guided learning opportunities you can undertake as these can also be presented as opportunities within the SWOT. The outcome of this mapping should be presented in a SWOT analysis.

References minimum of two Psychometric tests, one model of reflection, and three sources for external threats, one of which must be from the library databases.

  • Slide 4 LinkedIn profile and A4 CV (min of two-sides)

Discuss and showcase how you have updated your LinkedIn account and CV for the position you are applying for. You must include your CV on your presentation so we can review and show us your LinkedIn profile.

References two as a minimum that have supported you in the development of these materials.

  • Slide 5 SMART Goals

Discussion of the development plan you wrote from your analysis of your skills audit, identifying challenges to your career aspirations.  This should include SMART goals showing at least 1 x short term goal (end of Level 4), 1 x medium term goal (end of university) and 1 x long term goal (first promotion).

References two as a minimum for the source you have used to support you to write your goals.

  • Slide 6 Final summary.

This is a pitch – so ensure you leave us with the final reasons as to why we should choose you!

  • Slide 7: Reference list

At the end of your presentation should be your reference list using the Solent Harvard Referencing style.  You should check you have included the full list of all your in-text citations in alphabetical order. Minimum 13 sources, four sources must be from the library database.

  • Slide 8: Questions

Finally, close to the submission some questions will be released that you will need to respond to at the end of your pitch. The questions will be added to the Assessment tab on SOL.


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