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QHO420 : Contemporary Management Theory Assesment brief

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Module Code: QHO420

Module Title: Contemporary Management Theory

Word Count: 1800 words, excluding references

Assessment Task

Using a case study organisation of your choice, write an essay illustrating how academic theory applies to an organisation.

You can choose any organisation to examine in the essay, but it should be customer facing. Please check with your tutor if you are unsure.


Decide which topic you would like to write about in your essay. Choose ONE of the following options:

  • Organisational culture – what type of culture does the organisation have? How is this demonstrated? How does organisational culture impact and influence the organisation’s performance?
  • Stakeholders – who are they? Why are they important? How can they influence how an organisation operates?
  • Control, power, and influence – how are these handled within the organisation? Why is this important? How do they impact operations and performance? Which is the most important?


Choose an organisation that you are familiar with. This could be any organisation, but it should be customer oriented – e.g., retail (of any kind), sports brand, insurance company, etc. If you are unsure, please ask your tutor.

Do some initial research into your chosen organisation (internet search) while considering the topic you have chosen. Is there any information available, such as news articles, annual reports, social media mentions, etc.? Can you ascertain the type of culture, OR the stakeholders, OR the way the organisation uses control, power, and influence? Could you make an educated argument for this by referring to academic sources to support your claims? If you find any useful information, don’t forget to make a note of the full reference in Solent Harvard format.

For your essay question you should:

  • Discuss relevant theories and their impact on organisations.
  • Illustrate your essay with at least one example of an organisation which has implemented the various models, concepts, or theories (or has failed to do so)
  • Discuss the influence of theories, models, and concepts on the organisation.
  • Compare and contrast authors’ views on the topic.
  • Reflect on the role of leadership and management within the context of your essay.
  • Apply one law to the organisation, examining how this influences operations.

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