Please include the list of the references and a similarity check

Please include the list of the references and a similarity check
Use the following editable word template to complete the assessment:
Before starting your short answer, you must select ONE theoretical perspective covered in the subject. This includes:
Positivism (Module 1)
Chicago School (Module 2)
Strain Theory (Module 2 – must choose either Structural Strain theory OR General Strain Theory)
Subcultural Theory (Module 3 – must choose either American OR British Subcultural Theory)
Labeling Theory (Module 3)
Feminist Criminology (Module 4)
Critical Masculinities Theory (Module 4)
Marxist Criminology (Module 5)
Postcolonial Theory (Module 5)
Green Criminology (Module 6)
Short Answer Question 1:
Short Answer 1 requires you to describe and evaluate one theory
Write a 500 word (+/-10%) short answer responding to the following questions about the theory you have selected:
What is the origin of your theory?
Who is/are the primary theorist/s?
What problem/s was the theorist concerned with?
What are the key concepts used within this theory? (define them)
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the theory?
What evidence supports this analysis?
Your short answer MUST:
Include a reference list at the end of your answer
Use at least one “scholarly” source (i.e.: the essential textbook)
Short Answer Question 2:
Short Answer 2 requires you to identify and critique implications for criminal justice practice in relation to your theory (same theory as short answer 1).
Write a 500 word (+/-10%) short answer response to the following questions about the theory you have selected:
Thinking about the contemporary criminal justice system, identify and describe an example of policy, practice, or a problem relating to your theory.
Identify and describe how at least one relevant key concept can be used to analyse your example.
Would you advocate for this example of policy/practice? Why or why not? What evidence supports your position?
Your short answer MUST:
Make use of at least ONE key concept from you theory
Make use of at least ONE example (can be sourced from news media or scholarly research)
Make use of at least one “scholarly” source (i.e.: the essential textbook)
Include a reference list at the end of your answer

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