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MKTG2010: A total of 100 Australian consumers were recruited through a professional online panel company: Marketing Research Report, NU

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Word Association Task

A total of 100 Australian consumers were recruited through a professional online panel company, QuestionPro. Participants were shown both an image of Chris Hemsworth and Channing Tatum and were asked to type in the first word that came to their minds when viewing the picture of each celebrity.

Online Questionnaire

A total of 200 Australian consumers were recruited through a professional online panel company, QuestionPro to participate in an online questionnaire. A between-subjects experimental design was adopted with participants allocated to one of two experimental conditions: Chris Hemsworth (n=100) or Channing Tatum (n=100). Participants were shown an advertisement of either Chris Hemsworth endorsing Rule 1 Proteins, or Channing Tatum endorsing Rule 1 Proteins.

Both advertisements were identical, only the image of the celebrity was changed. After viewing the advertisement, participants were asked to rate their attitude towards the celebrity “Please indicate how you feel about the celebrity Chris Hemsworth/Channing Tatum: dislike/like unfavorable/favorable, negative/positive” (Nan and Heo, 2007), their attitude towards the brand “Do you think the brand is: bad/good, unpleasant/pleasant, worthless/valuable” (Low and Lamb, 2000), and their intention to purchase the product; “How likely is it that you would purchase a product from Rule 1 Proteins either for yourself or for someone else: unlikely/likely (Till and Busler, 2000).

Familiarity with the celebrity was also determined, including
the perceived fit of the celebrity to Rule 1 proteins using three items drawn from Till and Busler (2000) including: do not belong together/ do belong together, do not go together/ do go together and do not fit /do fit. Finally, participants were asked to indicate their level of protein use and
their age.

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