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Home ยป Identify the power of the police to reduce the impact of crime on society: Security and Offender Management Assignment, DC, Ireland

Identify the power of the police to reduce the impact of crime on society: Security and Offender Management Assignment, DC, Ireland

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Question 5

This learning piece about offender management has a relevant piece apart from the collect articles. From the article, I identify the power of the police to reduce the impact of crime on society. From the relevant pieces of learning, I learned about the importance of the power of the police forces who play their role in the accuracy to reduce the crime cases in the society in the country.

From the article, I analyze that the important article collected are records about the crime in a consistent manner that addresses the forces of boundaries and provides the origin of the information which is available to support the police force to estimate the justice for the victim (Refer to article). From the article, it is recognized that there are three ways that the police force collected information about the cause of crime such as routine collection, tasked information, and volunteered information. The individual way of information procedure estimates the quality of data and knowledge about the criminal and their act for the crime.


The learning procedure about offender management is one of the important segments of society and it has an impact on the people. Criminology makes a negative impact on the community. The offender manages, and the police force plays their role to reduce the crime and lead the people towards a quality of life. From the individual classes, I gain more knowledge and information about the role of the police forces and identify the various courts that provide justice for the victim through the challenging procedure of the crime.

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