I want you all to create individual media maps for this week. I encourage you al

I want you all to create individual media maps for this week. I encourage you all to take a creative approach to this week, if you so desire. Here’s what you’ll do for your media maps:
Make a list of the media you consume regularly. Think broadly. What do you read? What websites do you regularly visit? What shows do you watch? On what platforms? Where do you get your news?
Do a deep dive into them. Who owns the website? The platform? Is there a parent company? Has the company of relevant figures recently been in the news for a significant reason? What are the legal implications? Social? Political? Economic?
Write a 250-word summary describing what you’ve learned, and what it means for the discernment you apply to your media consumption moving forward.

The post I want you all to create individual media maps for this week. I encourage you al first appeared on Elite Writers.

The post I want you all to create individual media maps for this week. I encourage you al appeared first on Elite Writers.

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