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HNN108 Evidence-Based Practice Assessment Task 3

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HNN108 Evidence-Based Practice Assessment Task 3 :

HNN108 Evidence-Based Practice Assessment Task 3
HNN108 Evidence-Based Practice Assessment Task 3

2000 words (50%)

Purpose of assessment task

This assessment task will enable you to demonstrate the consolidation of your skills to acquire and summarise the evidence from relevant databases and synthesise different material together to provide a clear and concise answer to the research question.

Due date:            Thursday 25th May 2023

Time:                    8.00pm

Location:             Assignment dropbox on HNN108 CloudDeakin unit site

Format:               PDF*

*PDF conversion software is available here on Deakin Software Catalogue

  • Please check the document before submitting to the dropbox to ensure the formatting has not changed.
  • You are responsible for ensuring that the correct version of your assessment task is properly uploaded into the correct assessment dropbox.

Topic background:

Pressure injuries can develop during hospital admission if risks to patients are not addressed. A pressure injury is a painful wound, usually on an area such as sacrum, hips or heels. These wounds affect patients comfort and quality of life, prolong hospital stays and increase cost of care. Pressure injuries can be prevented with regular assessment and interventions by nursing staff (Australian Commission for Quality and Safety in Healthcare, 2020).

Task Description:

Using the skills of database searching, writing evidence summaries and synthesising main points, that you learnt in AT1 and AT2; find three (3) peer-reviewed research studies to answer the question: “What evidence-based interventions are effective in reducing the likelihood of a pressure injury developing during hospitalisation?”

Instructions for this assessment task:

PART 1 (650 words)

  1. Review feedback from AT1.
  2. Using the skills you developed in seminars and AT1 develop a search strategy to locate research studies relevant to the assignment question. Closely consider the feedback you received for this part of AT1.
  • Conduct a search of the literature by applying your search strategy to relevant databases.
  • Choose three (3) peer-reviewed research studies that answer the assignment question (papers chosen must be published within 10 years (2013-2023)).
  • Consider the feedback you received in AT1 and address areas of summarising that may need improvement.
  • Summarise the main points of the identified studies including the purpose/aim of the study, research design, methods, and key findings into three (3) evidence summaries (approximately 200 words for each summary).
  • Please include screen shots of the three (3) abstracts from your papers.

PART 2 (1350 words)

  1. Use the detail from the three (3) evidence summaries from Part 1 to find common themes within the research.
  2. Draw together the information from these evidence summaries to develop a synthesis of the relevant information to answer the research question.
  3. Consider the feedback you received in AT2 and address areas of synthesising that may need improvement.
  4. To show your understanding of the research studies you will need to compare differences and similarities in points such as the research designs, research methods, data collection strategies, sampling and key findings.
  5. You must paraphrase using your own words where possible.
  6. Please use in-text citations and provide a reference list at the end of the essay using APA7 referencing style.


Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare (2020). Preventing pressure injuries and wound management. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia. library/nsqhs-standards-preventing-pressure-injuries-and-wound-management

Presentation requirements:

Title Page:

Include the following information on separate lines

  • Title of Assignment (bold font)
    • Your name
    • University Name
    • Unit Code and Name
    • Due Date

Formatting of Title Page: Centred text alignment and double line spacing.


Writing is to be in an accessible font. Examples of these include. 12-point type size Times New Roman.

11-point type size Georgia. 11-point type size Calibri.

11-point type size Arial.

Ensure the same font is used consistently throughout the entire paper.


Double-line spacing (Do not insert extra lines between paragraphs or the references list entries.)

Page numbers

Page numbers to be provided on all pages. Place page number in the top right-hand corner


2.54 cm at the top, bottom, left-hand, and right-hand sides of the page (default page margin).

Paragraph indents

Indent the first line of each paragraph 1.27 cm (using the tab key or paragraph tool).

Exceptions: abstract, block quotations, title page (centred alignment), titles and headings, table titles and notes, references (hanging indent), appendix labels and titles

(Consult with APA 7 style manual for specific detail).

Justification of text

All text needs to be aligned to the left, not justified (right margin remains uneven)

Word Count

Assignments must be no more or less than 10% above or below the indicated word count, not including title page, in-text citations and reference list

Rubric: HNN108 Assessment task 3 – Essay Expected Standard Minimum Standard Below Standard
Criterion 1 Search terms and databases identified. Concepts and alternate search terms correct, and most appropriate databases searched.   8-10 Some of the concepts and alternate search terms correct and/or appropriate databases searched.   5-7 Multiple errors in search terms and inappropriate databases searched.   0-4
Points 10
Criterion 2 Description of research design, purpose/aim, methods and key findings are presented in evidence summaries. Evidence summaries provide most accurate and comprehensive description of the research designs, purpose/aims, methods and key findings for all three studies.   8-10 Evidence summaries provide general/partial description of the research designs, and/or purpose/aims and/or methods and/or key findings for all three studies.     5-7 Research designs, purpose/aim of the studies, methods and key findings are not included and/or not accurately described.   0-4
Points 10
Criterion 3 Synthesised key points from research studies to answer the question. Most relevant key points were identified and logically synthesised together to provide a clear and concise answer to the question.     16-20 points Key points were present, and a reasonable synthesise provided to answer the question.     10-15 points Key points were omitted or were described separately and not synthesised together to clearly answer the question.     0-9 points
Points 20
Criterion 4 Discussed research designs, research methods, data collection strategies, sampling and key findings to detect differences and similarities within the research Thoroughly and accurately discussed differences and similarities between research studies to demonstrate depth of understanding of the topic.   8-10 points Some discussion of the differences and similarities between research studies to demonstrate some understanding of the topic.     5-7 points Differences and similarities either not identified at all or described in little detail. Did not demonstrate understanding of the topic   0-4 points
Points 10
Criterion 5 Citations are contemporary and used to support writing. All writing is supported appropriately with contemporary citations.     4-5 points Most of the writing was supported with citations and/or some citations are older than 10 years.   3 points Large sections of writing were not supported with citations and/or all citations are older than 10 years.   0-2 points
Points 5
Criterion 6 Adherence to APA7th referencing standards (in-text citations and reference list). Most accurate presentation of in-text citations and reference list. Minor inconsistent errors may be present.     4-5 points Minor consistent errors present in citations and/or in the reference list.   3 points APA 7th standard not adhered to. Several consistent errors in citations and/or in the reference list.   0-2 points
Points 5      
Criterion 7 Writing is in accordance with standard language conventions and paraphrased appropriately. Content is logically structured with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.   Paraphrasing is used most effectively. Phrases and sentences are not copied.   4-5 points Content is clearly written with mostly correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.   Paraphrasing is used to some degree. Some phrases and sentences are copied.   3 points Content is poorly structured and/or has multiple errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation.   Paraphrasing has not been used. Phrases and sentences have been largely copied.   0-2 points
Points 5
HNN108 Evidence-Based Practice Assessment Task 3


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