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HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems

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HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems :

HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems
HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems

Assessment Task 2: Portfolio

Qualification CHC43015 – Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit Code/Name HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems
Re-Assessment ☐ Yes    ☐ No
Student ID  
Student Name  
Student Email Address                     
Trainer/Assessor Name  

Student Declaration

  • I declare that this is my own original work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s).
  • I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the process explained to me.
  • I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks as required.
  • I hold a copy of this assignment and can produce a copy if requested
  • I permit a copy of this marked assignment to be retained or reproduced by the College for benchmarking, course review and accreditation purposes.
  • I am aware of the re-assessment policy and any assessment deemed unsatisfactory will require me to do a re-assessment.
  • I am aware I have the right to appeal an assessment outcome if I disagree with the outcome. I am aware that I have to follow the complaint and appeal process to request a review of the assessment outcome. 
Student signature: __________________________ Date _____/_____/_________

Signature is required for the paper-based submission only.

Information for students

This task requires you to complete your portfolio document. During your placement experiences, you will collect evidence that shows you have worked with information about the human body and promoted healthy body functioning.

You can complete your portfolio document during class time, reporting on three different situations you have encountered and participated in while on your work placement.

You will be able to use your time on placement to complete the requirements of this task (as indicated by the prompts in your portfolio) with real clients and colleagues, and gather appropriate pieces of evidence. You can use your time in the classroom to write about your experiences and prepare your portfolio documents.

You will need access to:

  • your learning resources and other information for reference
  • a work placement, which must include access to your supervisor, workplace policies and procedures, client health information, and appropriate workplace facilities, equipment and resources

·         Portfolio.

i Assessment information Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in your Community Services Works Student User Guide.
  1. Carefully read the following.
This assessment task requires you to show that you are able to work with information about the human body, using it to promote ways to support healthy body functioning. You will need to show that you have done this in at least three different situations, preferably working with clients each time. The situations you encounter will vary depending on the people you are working with and their health needs. If you encounter a situation that you realise may address the needs of this assessment, make sure you take notes! You can use these notes later to fill out your portfolio. Remember, it is important to keep the privacy and confidentiality of the individuals you work with as high priority; therefore, you should only use first names in your notes and your portfolio when recording information. If you are having trouble identifying situations that are suitable to this task, speak to your assessor and supervisor as soon as you can.

2.       Complete your portfolio.

Use the portfolio document to collect evidence for this assessment during your work placement. There are three sections of your portfolio that need to be completed ·         About the situations: you will need to describe the situations in which you used and interpreted health terminology, what you saw or learned about that indicated the client’s body functioning was healthy or otherwise, and how different parts of the body would be impacted or working together in this situation. ·         Sharing and using information: you will need to describe one time you promoted/shared information about healthy body functioning and one time you used it, as well as the benefits of this/how this enhanced work activities. ·         Supervisor Report: your supervisor will complete this final section after you have filled out your portfolio. They will confirm that your evidence and the information you have added to your portfolio is an accurate description of your experiences. Remember, although it sounds complicated, you are working with and discussing basic health information, just like what you learned about. This isn’t about diagnosing health problems of your clients, but understanding basic aspects of their health and understanding how these are impacting their body functioning.   Important note: If you have permission to make copies of the following documents, include these as part of your evidence by attaching them at the end of the portfolio: ·         Client health information ·         Information you provided to others to promote healthy body functioning. If there are any other documents you feel might support your work and performance, you can add these to your portfolio. If you are not allowed to remove any workplace documentation, then your assessor will be required to look at these documents when they visit you in the workplace (their visit will not relate to this unit as no observation will be required, therefore they may request to look at these documents at a later time). If you are unsure – ask your supervisor! You must make sure you receive permission to include any documents from your workplace and all private information must be redacted (blacked out). Your supervisor will also sign off that the documentation you have attached to your portfolio is from the workplace and relates to the work you have done.

3.       Submit your portfolio

Once you have completed all of your portfolio entries, gathered the necessary documentation (or had it viewed by your assessor on site), and had your supervisor fill out the relevant sections, you can submit your work to your assessor.

Portfolio Template

About this document

This document is to be used as a portfolio to collect evidence for the unit HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems.

Work placement information

Work placement provides you with an opportunity to learn and be assessed in a hands-on real-life industry environment. Learning in the classroom is important, and you will engage in lots of classroom discussion, practice and be involved in demonstrations and simulations before you are ready for your work placement – but gaining practical experience during your work placement hours provides you with the opportunity to put your new-found knowledge into practice and provides you with an appropriate environment to be assessed in. It also provides you with opportunities to observe qualified and experienced aged care support workers and allows you to learn while under the close supervision and guidance of a workplace supervisor and mentor.

You will not be paid for your work placement as it forms part of your training and assessment for this qualification.


You are always expected to comply with all of your work placement’s policies and procedures for their staff members and follow your supervisor’s instructions. You will receive the required information about working hours, dress requirements and specific guidelines from your work placement before you begin and will sign a work placement agreement prior to starting. If you’re unsure of anything then speak to your trainer/assessor and ask questions when the placement arrangements are being made.  You may undertake more than one placement at a different facility – this will all be arranged with your trainer/assessor and made clear to you during this time.

Your work placement supervisor will arrange an induction for you where the expectations will be outlined and the limitations of what you are able to do while you are at your work placement.

Portfolio Template

Evidence collection

In this section, the details of the evidence you need to collect are outlined along with instructions about what you need to do.

Icon key
Assessor: this icon indicates that the assessor needs to observe this at the workplace visit or will be asking the student questions directly (not appliable for this unit).
Student: this icon indicates that the student needs to complete this section.
Supervisor: this icon indicates that the supervisor needs to do something.

There are three parts to this portfolio document:

·         About the situations

·         Sharing and using information

·         Supervisor Report

Note to work placement supervisor: When you see this icon, action is required on your part. Read the student’s account of events and make a comment to confirm the truthfulness and accuracy as a form of evidence collection for the assessor. Please make sure the student is suitably supervised and that they have permission from everyone involved to engage with the client. This may be the person themself, or may require permission from their family member, carer or advocate.

For this portfolio you will need to document three different situations in which you worked with information about the human body and promoted ways to support healthy body functioning.

You have space in your portfolio to record details about each situation.

Note: three different situations does not necessarily mean you need to report on three different clients. You may work with one client who has significant health issues and you may find that you have two very different encounters where you talk to them about healthy lifestyles and how the body works when its healthy (for example, they may not be getting much exercise so you talk to them about the benefits of exercise, and then another time they may be sick and you talk to them about how hydration, lots of rest and sleep and good nutrition helps the immune system fight illness).

If you are not sure whether your portfolio is meeting the ‘three different situations’ requirement, get in touch with your trainer/assessor.

Name of work placement:  
Name of supervisor:    
First name (only) of client/person:   Age:  
Outline your role.  

Section 1: About the situations

Fill out each of the three tables below.

Situation 1 What happened? Provide detailed information.
Provide an overview of this situation.   
What health information did you refer to or use during this situation? Attach copies of this information.  
What health terminology did you use or did you identify being used during this situation?                  
How would you explain the body functioning of this person? For example, are they in generally good health, poor health, taking different types of medication or no medication, physically fit, etc?  
What factors do you believe are impacting on this person’s health (either positive or negative)?  
Based on what you know about this person’s body functioning and issues, what interrelationships between components of the human body can you identify?  
Situation 2 What happened? Provide detailed information.
Provide an overview of this situation.   
What health information did you refer to or use during this situation? Attach copies of this information.  
What health terminology did you use or did you identify being used during this situation?  
How would you explain the body functioning of this person? For example, are they in generally good health, poor health, taking different types of medication or no medication, physically fit, etc?  
What factors do you believe are impacting on this person’s health (either positive or negative)?  
Based on what you know about this person’s body functioning and issues, what interrelationships between components of the human body can you identify?  
HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems

Situation 3 What happened? Provide detailed information.
Provide an overview of this situation.   
What health information did you refer to or use during this situation? Attach copies of this information.  
What health terminology did you use or did you identify being used during this situation?  
How would you explain the body functioning of this person? For example, are they in generally good health, poor health, taking different types of medication or no medication, physically fit, etc?  
What factors do you believe are impacting on this person’s health (either positive or negative)?  
Based on what you know about this person’s body functioning and issues, what interrelationships between components of the human body can you identify?  
  Comment & endorsement      

Section 2: Sharing and using information

During your work placement you will need to share and use information about healthy body functioning at least once.

  What happened? Provide detailed information.
What information did you share? Explain the following: ·         the reason why you shared the information ·         who you shared it with ·         how work activities were enhanced or improved by sharing this information. Submit copies of the information you shared.  
What information did you use? Explain the following: ·         the reason why you used the information ·         where you got the information from ·         how work activities were enhanced or improved by using this information. Submit copies of the information you shared.  
HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems

Section 3: Supervisor report

Your supervisor needs to complete this section once all of the tasks have been completed and they have endorsed section 1.

  Supervisor Report
The information provided by the student in sections 1 and 2 of this portfolio is an accurate reflection of their actions.                      ☐ Yes  ☐ No  
During the activities described in their portfolio, the student:
·         correctly used health terminology ☐ Yes  ☐ No  
·         correctly interpreted health terminology ☐ Yes  ☐ No  
·         promoted/shared useful information with others about healthy body functioning  ☐ Yes  ☐ No  
·         used information about healthy body functioning to improve own work activities ☐ Yes  ☐ No  
·         was able to understand how different parts of the body work together to function healthily ☐ Yes  ☐ No  
·         was able to review and understand the types of factors that contribute to health body functioning ☐ Yes  ☐ No  
Do you have any feedback for the student?  
Tick one only:
The student has permission to submit workplace documentation to support their portfolio                        ☐ Yes
The student does not have permission to submit workplace documentation – the assessor can view these files on site              ☐ Yes
Full name:  
Contact details:  
For Trainers Purpose Only
Student’s name:
Did the student: Completed successfully? Comments
Yes No  
Worked effectively with information about the human body and its healthy functioning in at least three different situations?      
Correctly use and interpret health terminology?      
Correctly use and interpret information about how the body systems work together?      
Identified factors impacting on body functioning (negatively or positively)?      
Evaluated how different body systems affect and support healthy body functioning?      
Promoted/shared information with others about healthy body functioning to improve or enhance work?      
Used information about healthy body functioning to improve or enhance work?      
Task outcome: ¨  Satisfactory ¨  Not satisfactory
Assessor signature:  
Assessor name:  
HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems

Assessment Task 2: Checklist


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