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HHLT1RAE Research and Evidence in Practice Research Report

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HHLT1RAE Research and Evidence in Practice Research Report :

HHLT1RAE Research and Evidence in Practice Research Report
HHLT1RAE Research and Evidence in Practice Research Report

Research Report (20%)

Week 12 – Sunday at 11:59pm (Australian Eastern Time)

What is the Research Report?

This task is designed to help you develop your skills in analysing data and interpreting both descriptive and inferential statistics. Based on the scenario below you will briefly discuss the validity and reliability of a measurement instrument; report on and interpret the statistical analysis of a data set; summarise the findings; and finally identify limitations of the study and suggest alternative approaches for future studies.

The word limit for this task is 600 words (+/- 10%). You should complete your report using the template provided on Moodle. No cover page is required. Answers must be written in a paragraph – no dot points. Use APA style conventions for both referencing and formatting (eg double line spacing, indent first line of each paragraph). A minimum of three (3) credible references, must be provided to support your answers where appropriate.

What resources do I need to complete this assessment?

  • Scenario and Data Set: see next page
  • Research Report Spreadsheet: Available on the RAE Moodle in Assessment > Research Report > Resources: Research Report.
  • Research Report Template: Available on the RAE Moodle in Assessment > Research Report > Resources: Research Report.

Submission: Via the assignment submission box in the RAE Moodle in Assessment > Research Report > Submit: Research Report. This is a 2-step process: Step 1 Upload (document can be edited), Step 2 Submit (document can no longer edited). You must complete both steps for your work to be graded. Your final submission must made be before the due date – End of Week 12, Sunday 11:59pm (Australian Eastern Time).

Originality: It is expected that the report you submit is entirely your own work. You may discuss the report with other students and your teacher while you are developing your understanding of the task. However, the report you submit must be an individual and original piece of your own work. Please review the LTCA Academic Integrity Module for further details and guidance on this matter. Please note, significant penalties apply for breaches of Academic Integrity.

Marking: Marks will be awarded for each question based upon the completeness of the answer i.e. a complete answer – full marks, a partially correct answer – part of the marks, and an incorrect answer – no marks. Grades will be released 2 weeks from the due date of submission. This timeframe allows for marking of all assignments and re-marking of any assignment that receives a score of less than 50%.  If your assignment has been re-marked this will be indicated on the paper.

Penalties: Late submissions will be penalised 5% of the total marks available for every day after the due date and time. After five (5) working days a submission will not be accepted. A score of ‘0’ will be recorded. The assignment will not be marked. Assignments submitted within five (5) days of the due date and time will have penalties applied after the assignment has been marked.

Penalties for work that has had no prior approved extension will be calculated as follows:

  • Within 24 hours after the due date and time: subtract 5%
  • Within 48 hours after the due date and time: subtract 10%
  • Within 72 hours after the due date and time: subtract 15%
  • Within 96 hours after the due date and time: subtract 20%
  • Within 120 hours after the due date and time: subtract 25%

Penalties do not apply to approved extensions. If you believe you will need an extension of the due date you must:

Scenario and Data Set:

Scenario: We are consistently informed by research studies, (and even the media), that daily physical activity has many positive benefits for physical health, but can such activity also have a positive impact on our metal health? In a bid to increase community awareness about the benefits of daily exercise for improved mental health, BeyondBlue has asked your team to help them review some of the research in this area and analyse some data measuring the number of hours per week a person engages in exercise and their score on a depression scale, to provide evidence that this is indeed the case. Your analysis will help BeyondBlue write a grant to obtain Government funding to develop an advertising campaign for television and social media.

Dataset details: 30 participants recorded their average hours of exercise each week for 6 weeks. Participants also completed the self-administered Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) on one occasion at the end of the 6-week period.

  • Groups: One Group of Participants
  • Measure 1: Mean number of hours of exercise (per week).
  • Measure 2: Beck Depression Inventory (BDI – II) score
Participant Hours BDI-II score
1 13 9
2 2 23
3 4 15
4 11.5 7
5 15 4
6 1 26
7 9 11
8 11 6
9 13 7
10 3 24
11 2.5 20
12 7 14
13 4.5 25
14 3 15
15 5 13
16 0.5 28
17 10 5
18 1.5 19
19 12 2
20 18 1
21 6.5 16
22 17 7
23 8 3
24 9.5 8
25 12.5 5
26 5.5 11
27 2.5 15
28 4 14
29 1 4
30 3.2 1
MATERIALS (Approximately 200 words):
What this measure is used for? 1 mark
  Characteristics of the measure, for example: Number of items (questions)Type of items (e.g. The measure uses a scale from X to X, where a low score indicates X and high score indicates X)What a high or low score on the scale means in terms of the construct it is measuring               2 marks
Review available research that has reported on the validity and reliability of the measure and provide a summary of this   3 marks
RESULTS (Approximately 200 words):
Enter the data provided above into the excel spreadsheet and generate a graph and results for your study. Copy and paste a screen shot of the completed spreadsheet to your written report.   1 mark
  For each of the following statistics briefly report what information it provides: MeanStandard deviationConfidence intervalr valueP value     1 mark 1 mark 1 mark 1 mark 1 mark
  Provide a brief explanation of the results   3 marks
DISCUSSION (Approximately 200 words):
Provide suggestions as to how BeyondBlue should incorporate these results into a grant application to obtain Government funding to develop an advertising campaign for television and social media.   2 marks
Briefly describe two limitations to this study and provide suggestions as to how they could be rectified in a subsequent study.     3 marks
HHLT1RAE Research and Evidence in Practice Research Report


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