Her pride and joy.

The person I want it to be on is a woman who is an executive director at a recovery community organization. Who grew up with the perfect family and her favorite holiday is Christmas every year. She has a master degree. She has two brothers and is married with one son and two step sons. Her biggest accomplishment is her son. Her pride and joy. Her biggest fear about becoming a mother was, she didn’t believe she would be good enough. She is now in recovery today and what that looks like is she is someone that suffered from substance use disorder and now tries to help other people find their journey and pathway. now the first time she had to republic speaking for this nonprofit organization she had butterflies in my stomach and she was anxious, but excited and has come to realize that she’s going to have that feeling every time she does public speaking, and she knows if she ever loses that feeling then there’s no point to speaking because the passion is no longer there . I would like my angel to be about public speaking. I have to incorporate that angle into my essay and have two sources on that research.
What do I do first?
Since this Profile Essay Assignment asks you to focus on a person, first decide what person you are interested in knowing more about. If you have a specific person in mind, that might be convenient. If you have a type of person in mind – say, a firefighter or a nurse – then you will have to hustle to find a person to interview.
What questions do I ask in the interview?
Think about this before you get to the interview. Questions should reflect your natural curiosity about this person – what they do, how they live, what their background is, what drives them, what challenges they face now or have faced in the past, what their plans for the future are.
Where should I conduct this interview?
Don’t have the person come to you, and don’t interview over the phone! Go to them – their office, their studio, their residence, any place that will add to the details of your essay.
What else should I do during the interview?
Observe! Observe the person and make notes about their appearance, activities, behavior, etc. This observation may also spark additional questions. Look for details about the subject. One of the best ways to make the essay interesting is by revealing details.
What am I researching?
It is at this point that you should do some research to add to the angle of your Profile. Two sources from the college’s databases are required. These sources can pursue many angles. They may clarify information about the subject. (For example, if your subject serves in the Salvation Army, find information to explain what the Salvation Army is, keeping it relevant to the subject of the Profile.) The sources may provide insight into the social issues surrounding the subject’s circumstances. (For example, if your subject works for a non-profit, find information to shed light on the needs of the people the non-profit serves.) The sources may help substantiate a person’s claims. (For example, if a nurse talks about the dangers of the job during COVID-19, find information to shed additional light on those risks.) It’s all according to you and the angle you want your essay to take!
How should I start this essay?
The first paragraph of your essay should provide clear identification of the subject. The main idea (thesis) of the paper should be your subject and the angle you are taking. And don’t forget to “hook” your reader! (Maybe identify a unique attribute of the subject that grabs a reader’s attention?)
How many paragraphs should this essay be?
The word requirement for this paper is 1,000 words. How you break that up is up to you. Perhaps you will have two or three substantial body paragraphs, in addition to your intro and conclusion.
I’m terrible at conclusions. What should I write?
The final paragraph of your paper should be effective. Remind the reader what you promised to tell them in your introduction. Point out what the reader can learn from the subject of the Profile.
Can I write any of this in 1st person?
No. I know it will be difficult to resist the urge to write “I…” but believe me, this will make you a better academic writer!

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