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Gender in Language: A Global Evolution

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Observe: Observe any part of the social world for evidence that the construction of ideas about masculinity or femininity is ongoing and part of your everyday interactions and conversation. Observe for about a half an hour, and make note of the interactions that you see that are related to constructing or maintaining masculine or feminine identities. Click here to view an example of a common occurrence you may experience during your observation.

Report: Write a 5 page paper about your observations. Page 1 should be the title page, and Page 5 should be the reference page. In addition to the course materials, include at least one outside resource in your references.

Pages 2-4 should contain your text with one citation per page. These pages should include:

  • A brief introduction that answers the questions who, what, where, and why about the observation
  • A description of the methods used to collect your data
  • Detailed findings from the observation, including specific examples
  • A conclusion based in the observation data about how gender is constructed through daily interactions between any combination of males and females
  • A brief summary that includes a question for further study.



Assignment Rubric

Grade Points

Grading Criteria

A: 126-140

·         Introduction fully answers the questions who, what, where and why about the observation

·         Essay describes the methods used to gather data

·         Essay includes detailed findings from the observation

·         Essay makes a conclusion based in the observations about how gender is constructed through daily interactions between and combination of males and female.

·         Brief summary includes a question for further study

·         The length requirement is met.

B: 112-125

·         Introduction partially answers the questions who, what, where and why about the observation

·         Essay mentions the methods used to gather data

·         Essay includes some detail of findings from the observation

·         Essay makes a conclusion based partly in the observations about how gender is constructed through daily interactions between and combination of males and female.

·         Brief summary includes a question for further study

·         The length requirement is met.

C:  98-111

·         Introduction partly answers the questions who, what, where and why about the observation.

·         Essay mentions but does not describe methods used to gather data

·         Essay lists without discussion the findings from the observation.

·         Essay makes a conclusion that is not based in the observations about how gender is constructed through daily interactions between and combination of males and female.

·         Brief summary includes a vague idea about further study.

·         The length requirement is met.


D: 84-97

·         Introduction does not answer all of the questions regarding who, what, where, and why about the observation.

·         Essay lists without explanation the methods used to gather data.

·         Essay includes only one or two findings from the observation that are not fully discussed.

·         Essay makes a conclusion that is not directly based in the reading.

·         Brief summary does not include a question for further study.

·         Essay does not meet length requirement.

F: 0 – 83

·         Introduction does not address the questions who, what, where and why about the observation.

·         Essay does not address the methods used to gather data.

·         Essay does not include findings from the observation.

·         No conclusion is made.

·         Summary is incomplete and does not include a question for further study.

·         Essay does not meet length requirement.

·         Paper contains extensive plagiarized text, and is graded as zero.

Total Points:



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