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Data Collection and Definition of Student Behavior

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Teachers must employ a variety of assessments, instructional strategies, and intervention techniques to support their students who are displaying behaviors that are getting in the way of successful learning in the classroom. If initial classroom management efforts are unsuccessful in helping such a student, then it is often determined that the situation warrants a behavior plan. For a behavior plan to be successful, it is imperative that stakeholders collaborate to support the student in reducing the occurrence of challenging behaviors and increasing appropriate behaviors. When appropriate, the student should also be involved in the development of the behavior plan. Providing students with choices and involving them in decision‐making aids in the development of self‐advocacy and self‐determination.

For this benchmark, you will propose a behavioral intervention plan for a student based on the information provided in “Student Scenario: Joseph.” Use the “Proposal for Behavior Change Template” to complete this assignment.


Part 1: Data Collection and Definition of Student Behavior

Describe Joseph’s behaviors on the ABC chart using the “Proposal for Behavior Change Template” provided. Create one measurable, observable operational definition for Joseph’s challenging behavior.

Part 2: Analysis of Data

The hypothesis is a best guess of the cause of the function of behavior that summarizes the observations. It includes the when (antecedent or trigger), the what (behavior of student), and the why (outcome student’s target behavior: attention, tangible, or escape).

Part 3: Intervention Ideas and Replacement Behaviors

Based on your analysis of the FBA data and the operational definition for Joseph’s behavior, identify an appropriate replacement behavior.

Part 4: Proposed Intervention Plan

Propose an intervention plan that outlines one goal for Joseph and includes the following:

  • Replacement behavior and specific steps to be implemented that will help Joseph reach each goal.
  • Strategies to manage activities and social interaction through collaboration with general educators and other colleagues .
  • Rewards and reinforcements you will use with Joseph.
  • A plan to monitor progress by gathering ongoing data from colleagues and student’s family .
  • Steps to resolve any escalation of behavior safely and appropriately .

Be sure to incorporate appropriate intervention and replacement behavior ideas identified in Part 3.

Part 5: Reflection

In a 250‐500 word summary reflect upon how you, in your future professional practice, will ensure formal and informal assessments of student behaviors are unbiased and technically sound, considering culture, language, gender, and ability differences.

Support your template responses with 1‐2 scholarly resources.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in‐text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

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