Create a short case scenario involving a nurse educator who is teaching in a didactic environment as part of their academic or professional development role. Describe two instructional strategies used by the nurse educator to facilitate learning with

Collaboration Cafe: Teaching in a Didactic Environment (graded)

Our topic during Week Three focused on teaching and learning in the didactic environment. Whether you serve as an educator in a professional development role or in an academic role, the didactic environment is pivotal for learning. Reflect upon your learning from this week’s lesson and respond to the following:

Create a short case scenario involving a nurse educator who is teaching in a didactic environment as part of their academic or professional development role.
Describe two instructional strategies used by the nurse educator to facilitate learning within the didactic environment, and why each of the strategies effectively support learning in the didactic environment.
Identify at least one barrier to learning and explain the nurse educator’s response to address the barrier.
Discuss how competency with didactic teaching – learning strategies will be important for your success as a nurse educator.


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