This will be a 300 word max paragraph on the following:
- Connect as a Team and decide on an industry you are interested in.
- Agree on a product/service offering you would like to work on
- Decide on your company name
- Have one Team-Member send a ‘personal message’ with industry, company name and proposed new product/service offering to the instructor for approval.
Pillow manufacturing industry
1. Create a pillow that allows people with astoma the ability to lay on their stomachs, provides protection from moisture if the bag burst in their sleep, washable with changeable linings.
Company Name: Impermeable Corp
Impermeable means: impossible to get through or into, not allowing penetration(as by gas, liquid or light)
Paragraph needs written on the following:
- Target Market – What segmentation criteria do you use to identify it and what needs do they have that you plan to satisfy.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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