Complete 6 page APA formatted essay: Paraphrasing my.
On the contrary, Harry Harlow provides a differing opinion on behavior shaping based on experiences with his experiment on monkeys and their behavioral change. A combination of the works of Harry into the others introducing his thoughts into the study of humans provides a starting point to Mary Ainsworth’s works. Elke Geraerts et al (2008) provide more evidence to support the claim of experiences playing a role in determining behavior.
The study of human behavior based on Adorno et al and their developments on anti-Semitism and the fascism that developed more during the World War 2 attempts to explain the actions of the Nazis during Hitler’s regime in which millions of European Jews suffered inhumane treatment. The study aimed at answering the question on what drives one to such acts. The study revealed the existence of anti-Semitism not only in Germans but in the Americans too giving a peculiar conduct hence its definition as authoritarian personality (McAvoy, 2012, p.26).
For effective results, the study was conducted in two phases. The first phase-involved completion of a questionnaire measured with the aid of an either F-scale giving the level of authoritarian in participants a high or low. The second phase involved the interview approach through which the causes were established. The questions prompt the respondents to provide details on their family, childhood and other experiences (McAvoy, 2012, p.34). The study revealed that respondents raised in a strict environment filled with harsh penalties and discipline proved more authoritarian. Adorno et al indicated that during child development, a love or hate relationship develops between parent and child hence shaping adulthood behavior. Basing on the psychoanalytic theory developed by Sigmund Freud, Adorno et al provide that human behavior remain buried in the a person’s unconscious mind including their