Capital Purchased Budget Part 2

This assignment is a continuation of the Capital Purchase Project Part 1- 

Section II: Establishing Acceptability

Write a 1,050- to 1,200-word paper in which you include the following:

  • Complete and discuss the results of the acceptability of the item for key stakeholders.
  • Respond based on research to the purchase and use of the items at other organizations.
  • Determine organizational risk and compliance issues related to the purchase and use of the capital item.
  • Recommend risk avoidance strategies.
  • Explain management roles and risks in accordance to compliance.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Section III: Economic Feasibility

Create a budget that demonstrates the effect of the capital purchase on the service line, including the productivity of the service line.

Complete a financial analysis of the capital expenditure. Provide responses in a Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet.

Create a pro forma summary sheet showing the net revenue and +cost impact of purchasing this item.

Section IV: Final Project Summary

Write a 1,200-word executive summary for the justification and include it at the beginning of the paper. Attach the financial statement

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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