Problem Case Scenario
The COVID-19 pandemic has ravaged the business of Secure Systems Pte Ltd (SSPL). A supplier of integrated building access security systems, the company had been selling and installing turnstile access systems along with security cameras to track customer traffic in malls and retail shops.
Business was good in pre-COVID days due to new malls being opened and existing malls being re-developed. And, during the COVID circuit-breaker years of 2020 and 2021, the company was shrewd to pivot its business towards the sale of automated safe management measure (SMM) gates that could scan the government-sponsored Trace-Together (TT) app and dongle for enforcing vaccination-differentiated visitor entry into malls and other public spaces.
Fast forward to 2022. By the middle of the year, Singapore had moved into the endemic phase of living with COVID-19. SMM requirements are no longer required. All businesses could resume normal operations. Such changes have rendered the automated SMM gates irrelevant!
James Tan, the CEO of SSPL, was deeply concerned. He called for an urgent meeting of his key product managers and senior engineers. Looking grim, he announced:
“It is great that virtually all COVID SMMs are now removed. It is almost business-as-usual for many malls and shops. But this is bad news for us. Our flagship SMM gate product is now effectively killed!
Question 1
(a) Researchers have proposed many product concepts by framing the idea of a “product” differently: Crawford-Benedetto, Henderson-Clark, Kotler, Slack, Product Packaging.
Describe any one such product concept. Use it to examine what aspect of the proposed ASM product needs to be innovated. Discuss how it could be marketed effectively.
(b) Using Pearson’s Risk Map, analyse the uncertainty involved in your innovation and recommend how SBSPL can move forward on the innovation. How would you protect your suggested innovation in Q1(a)?
Question 2
The ASM project team had been making good progress and giving regular updates to the CEO. Architecturally, they have split the app into two parts: mobile client and anti-scam server. It is the server-part that is particularly impressive. It consists of a database of anti-scam rules and an AI engine that can scan messages and phone recordings for new scam patterns and self-learn new rules for the database. In fact, the source of the messages need not even be from the mobile phone!
Just recently, the CEO of a local online shopping platform had approached James for help. The shopping platform has had its fair share of scams that are perpetrated by both buyers and sellers of the platform. He was able to produce live data detailing suspicious online behaviour to James.
This was reducing both buyer and seller trust of the platform. If it is not addressed, it will eventually lead to the demise of the platform. James was very pleased with the progress of the ASM project team. The investment in R&D effort is paying off. His entrepreneurial mind is racing ahead. He now sees a new service opportunity in supporting online shopping platforms!
(a) Suggest a suitable service. How will your service be a compelling value proposition for the customer? Construct the steps that the project team needs to take to develop your proposed service. Be sure to relate how different aspects of the service will be developed in the process.
(b) The government has been encouraging local enterprises to digitalise their business.
Digitalisation is often described in terms of the three (3) related concepts of digital transformation, digitalisation and digitisation. Describe each of these concepts and sketch a diagram of the digitialisation pyramid to show the relationships between them.
Illustrate each of these concepts in the context of the case scenario above
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