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APA 7 and at least 2 other references along with the movie View the film The Bli

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APA 7 and at least 2 other references along with the movie
View the film The Blind Side (2009) that raises issues of leadership and explores leadership theory by applying the theory to a specific example as it is represented on film.
Watch the film, The Blind Side (2009)
Before viewing the film, establish 3 critical questions to guide your observations. Be certain that your critical questions address leadership issues raised in the film.
For example:
How are authority figures depicted in this film?
Are there any non-positional leaders?
What leadership characteristics are emphasized?
Are stereotypes an influence?
What connections to theory can I see in this film?
In your film study, clearly identify the theory or theories of leadership being represented
Describe one or two scenes that clearly reflect the theory/theories being represented.
In writing your film study, keep your critical questions in mind.
Your assignment should 500 -700 words.

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View the film The Bli appeared first on Skilled Papers.

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