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Animal Cognitive Mind Research Paper Proposal

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Writing 123 Homework #3: Research Essay 2 Proposal and Bibliography Due: Manglay, Nov. 13, class time: Research Essay 2 proposal and bib (Canvas + 1 print copy for workshop) Purpose and learning outcomes: Writing a research proposal prepares you for the intellectual and writing work you must do to write the formal essay, as you’ll explore your topic, frame and assess your research question, critically evaluate and synthesize multiple sources, develop audience awareness, and practice a critical research process. In your paper you’ll also critically apply academic style conventions, such as MLA. Research proposals should demonstrate to the audience that the researcher understands the problem, knows the requirements of the project (potentially including library research, interviews, data collection, fieldwork, and group work) and has developed a research plan that is focused and will meet the objectives. Review the PDF/slides Research Proposals and the sample proposal, Canvas files, and the two web readings: writing/common writing assignments/research papers/identifying au diences.html Instructions: Write a 3-paragraph research essay proposal that includes the following. The essay and bibliography should conform to MLA Standards. a. A tentative title: signal how you are entering the academic conversation, or hint at your research purpose. b. 1st paragraph: Your research frame introduce your subject and research field Describe your research question/problem explain the significance of your project c. 2nd paragraph: your preliminary research describe what you’ve found so far synthesize points of consensus and debate among experts d. 3rd paragraph: your plan for completion explain what research you will do to get a complete sense of the issue anticipate the argument you expect to make e. Include a correctly formatted bibliography of 10+ sources (MLA, APA, or Chicago style). Criteria: The proposal should be a convincing, fully developed proposal essay that completely describes the project and the academic conversation it is involved in, what you have done so far in the project, and what academic style, such as MLA, and with complete citation information. you will do to bring the project to completion. The bibliography must be accurately formatted using an

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