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Answer the following essay questions. in a Word document. State your answers in your own words, in complete sentences, and give complete answers/explanations with examples where applicable.


  1. Describe how you would use the plan-do-check-act model to plan, conduct and improve project meetings. (10 points)
  2. What is “scope creep”? What actions can a project manager take to avoid and control scope creep on his or her project? (10 points)
  3. When developing a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for a project, your team can organize the second level elements by project phase, design components or work functions. Describe how these approaches differ. What advantages are associated with each? (5 points)
  4. Often circumstances dictate the need to accelerate a project schedule. Describe how crashing and fast tracking can be used to compress a project schedule. What limitations do you see with using each of these methods? (10 points)
  5. Draw out the answer to the following question on paper and scan it or create the drawing in Word or Visio (or other electronic tool): (15 points)
  • Draw the following project schedule
  • Task A duration 10 days
  • Task B duration 5 days, predecessor is task A
  • Task C duration 8 days, predecessor is task A
  • Task D duration 15 days, predecessor is task B
  • Task E duration 10 days, predecessor is task B
  • Task F duration 2 days, predeceessor is task C
  • Task G duration 10 days, predecessors are tasks D, E, and F
  • Indicate the ES, EF, LS, LF and slack time (format as displayed in examples)
  • Identify the critical path.
  • Show the enumeration method to determine critical path
  • Be sure that both methods indicate the same critical path

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