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BPM105: Advise Gregory of his individual entitlements (if any) from Herbert and/or liabilities to Herbert. Advise Gregory: Construction Law Assignment, SUSS

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Bicester University (“BU”) is a university established in Singapore. Gregory is the manager of Bicester University Football Club (“BUFC”). BUFC is one of a group of 20 football teams from tertiary institutions in the Tertiary Football League (“TFL”). The TFL season starts shortly after the academic year for the tertiary institutions commences and ends before each academic year. You may assume that there is a standard academic season for ALL tertiary institutions in Singapore.

Gregory is also a lecturer in History at BU’s School of Business whilst his colleague, Herbert is a lecturer in Applied Physics at BU’s Medical School. Their work duties are independent of each other such that neither gentleman will be able to assist the other in discharging any of his duties in BU.

Herbert is a staunch supporter of BUFC and both gentlemen bond over football.

Before the start of this academic season, Herbert meets the Invincible Investor (“Ian”). In the course of their conversation, Ian confesses that he too is a football fan but thinks that Newton University who is coached by Friendly Ah Mei would be champion. Ian tells Herbert, “If BUFC becomes champion, you can collect $30,000.00 from me anytime.” Herbert replies, “Thank you for your offer. I look forward to collecting the $30,000.00 come November when BUFC is crowned champion.”

The next day, Herbert tells Gregory of Ian’s offer and his own acceptance. He adds to Gregory, “Bro, I am counting on you for my $30,000.00.”

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Gregory is galvanized by Ian’s offer and increases the frequency of the BUFC’s training session from three to five times per week and is present at every training session to ensure that every player is giving his best.

Last week, BUFC was crowned champion after waiting more than thirty years.

Review the facts stated above carefully and thereafter demonstrate your understanding of the law by identifying the relevant issues and applying the relevant legal principles to the factual scenarios. Where applicable, please cite the relevant statute or case law.

For the purpose of answering this question, you should assume there was no COVID-19 pandemic and are not required to consider or cite any COVID-19 regulation or legislation.

Advise Gregory of his individual entitlements (if any) from Herbert and/or liabilities to Herbert.
Advise Gregory of his individual entitlements (if any) from Ian and/or liabilities to Ian.
Advise Herbert of his individual entitlements (if any) from Ian and/or liabilities to Ian. Please provide reasons for your answer.
Discuss how would your answer in Q1(b) be different if Ian’s offer had been made to Gregory instead of Herbert.
Assess if your answer in Q1(a) will be different if Gregory was not aware of Ian’s offer but Herbert had offered him $8,000.00 if BUFC wins the TFL. Explain your answer.

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