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Speech Assignment: Informative Speech-Topic: “How Information Technology Enhances Education.”

Communication is used to inform, to persuade and to analyze. In this assignment, you will write a speech that provides your audience information about a topic. Your presentation will be submitted in the form of a Power Point presentation. Your speech should be a minimum of 1000 words long, including the total from the Power Point slides, and the text of your speech in the Notes section of Power Point.

Your speech should include an introduction which identifies your main point, a body in which you provide support for your main point, and a conclusion that wraps up your presentation and says something about the significance of what you’ve presented, just as you would do in a paper.

  • PURPOSE: To inform
  • LENGTH: 1,000 words
  • SOURCES: Total of 3, with 1-2 from the Library and 1-2 from discipline specific websites
  • FORMAT: The citation style that is appropriate for your discipline and is appropriate for a speech

**Remember that all work submitted is to be your own original work except where properly acknowledged and cited. Do not reuse work, papers, or speeches from previous (or concurrent) classes as this violates APUS academic integrity policies. **

Information Technology

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