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Home ยป Explore ways that current social trends longside patients self perception and the ways these canleadto mental health and body dysmorphia Use 1.5 or double spacing leave blank line between paragraphs use bold for headings no underlining or italics requires a title page should be centred use calibre font use 11 or 12 point for body of assignment all pages except title to be numbered insert header or footer on each page not title page and word count

Explore ways that current social trends longside patients self perception and the ways these canleadto mental health and body dysmorphia Use 1.5 or double spacing leave blank line between paragraphs use bold for headings no underlining or italics requires a title page should be centred use calibre font use 11 or 12 point for body of assignment all pages except title to be numbered insert header or footer on each page not title page and word count

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Explore ways that current social trends longside patients self perception and the ways these canleadto mental health and body dysmorphia

Use 1.5 or double spacing leave blank line between paragraphs use bold for headings no underlining or italics requires a title page should be centred use calibre font use 11 or 12 point for body of assignment all pages except title to be numbered insert header or footer on each page not title page and word count

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