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Critically discuss the following statement by Anita Roddick with reference to the value paradox: Business Management Assignment, OBU, UK

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Question. 1. 

(a) Critically discuss the following statement by Anita Roddick with reference to the value paradox: “The business of business should not be about money, it should be about responsibility. It should be about public good, not private greed.”

(b) Porter & Kramer (2011) argue that creating shared value is integral to competing successfully, as it opens up new markets. Using examples and wider reading, discuss what implications this has on a company’s profitability.

Strategic Change and Organisational Culture

(a) What kind of strategic change (e.g. evolution, revolution, ambidexterity) could have best counteracted the strategic drift experienced by Kodak? Analyze the pros and cons of each view and justify your answer with key theory and examples.

(b) Using Johnson’s (1992) Cultural Web, describe the organizational culture at Apple. Can this culture be a source of competitive advantage? Justify your answer using key theory and wider reading. 5. Mergers, Alliances, International Strategy

(a) Critically discuss the motives and industry conditions that motivated Sainsbury’s acquisition of Argos in 2016. Using key theory and examples, analyze whether the strategy was successful by comparing it with other methods of strategic growth (alliances, organic development, etc).

(b) Discuss the international strategy of the Disney Group, focusing on the debate between globalization and localization. Do they need to rethink and re-evaluate their strategy to continue to grow in the current global environment? Justify your answer using key theory and wider reading.

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