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Home » 5CO01: Organizational change is a constant in many organizations, driven by a number of different forces including customers, markets, and technology: Organisational performance and culture in practice Assignment, CIPD, UK

5CO01: Organizational change is a constant in many organizations, driven by a number of different forces including customers, markets, and technology: Organisational performance and culture in practice Assignment, CIPD, UK

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Change management  

Organizational change is a constant in many organizations, driven by a number of different forces including customers, markets, and technology. Yet research shows that most change initiatives fail to get their intended outcomes and may even limit an organization’s potential and its people. The effects of not managing change effectively can be devastating and long-lasting, so it’s important that people professionals understand the issues and equip themselves with techniques to support change management initiatives.

The factsheet looks at why change management is important, the implications of not managing change effectively, and the potential issues that can arise in change management processes. It offers a series of techniques to help ensure change is effective.

Technology and the future of work 

How artificial intelligence (AI), robots, and automation are shaping the world of work, the ethical considerations, and the role of people professionals.

Much has been said about the potential impact of AI, robots, and automation on jobs and the future of work. A common view is that many jobs are at risk of being taken over by machines, potentially leading to large-scale job losses. Our research shows that while there are risks, there are at least as many opportunities to increase the number and quality of jobs. No doubt these technologies will change the nature of work as we know it. This change needs a proper people strategy led by people professionals.

This factsheet describes some of the technologies that are having an impact on the world of work. It looks at the ethical implications of using these technologies in the workplace and considers the role of people professionals in shaping the future of work for humans.

Please note that the purpose of this insight is to link you to CIPD’s research and evidence within the subject area so that you can engage with the latest thinking.  It is not provided to replace the study required as part of the learning or as formative assessment material

Task – Questions

Knowledge and understanding of this core unit will be assessed by written answers to the questions below.

  • Organizations differ in terms of structure, the products and/or services offered, and customers.
    1. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of two types of organizational structures, including the reasons underpinning them.
    2. Analyze connections between organizational strategy, products, services, and customers.
  • All organizations are affected to some extent by external factors and trends. The impact of these factors and trends could be positive, neutral, or negative, some are short-lived whilst others are long-lasting. Analyze a range of external factors and trends currently impacting organizations. Identify organizational priorities arising from the factors and trends analyzed.
  • The CIPD’s report Workplace Technology: the employee experience states, ‘the impact of the latest technology revolution on how organizations create value and on the way people work spans all industries, economies, and parts of society. Assess the scale of technology within organizations and how it impacts work.
  • Drawing on your reading, explain one theory or model which examines organizational culture AND interpret one theory or model which examines human behavior.
  • Assess how people’s practices impact organizational culture and behavior, drawing on examples to support your arguments.
  • Many organizations have managed considerable change in recent years. CIPD’s report, People Profession 2030: a collective view of future trends identifies ‘internal change’ as a key future trend.
    1. Explain different approaches to managing change
    2. Discuss models for how change is experienced.
  • CIPD’s Good Work Index provides an annual benchmark of job quality. Data is gathered on seven dimensions of good work, including ‘health and wellbeing. Assess the importance of well-being at work and factors which impact wellbeing.
  • Discuss the links between the employee lifecycle and different people’s practice roles.
  • Analyze how people’s practice connects with other areas of an organization and supports wider people and organizational strategies.
  • People professionals provide a service to internal customers but to truly add value, people professionals need to understand their customer’s needs. Discuss processes for consulting and engaging with internal customers to understand their needs.

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