5N1356: This contains a portfolio that requires you to complete questions regarding work planning and preparation, workplace legislation: WORK EXPERIENCE Assignment, OU, Ireland

Part A: This contains a portfolio that requires you to complete questions regarding work planning and preparation, workplace legislation, and the design of a skills audit.

Part B: This contains a skill Demonstration which includes the completion of a workplace competency scheduled to be completed by your work placement supervisor and a written reflection on your experiences in work placement.

Your work should show evidence of relevant reading around each topic. Your work must be clearly referenced using in-text citation and include a bibliography at the end.

Part A-1)Portfolio Brief.

Assessment Brief 

You are required to prepare a report of your planning and preparation for work experience. The report should demonstrate a clear understanding of the value of planning and preparation in order to maximize participation and learning opportunities effectively during work experience.

Assessment criteria: Part 1- Workplace planning and preparation 1500 words (not including cover letter and C.V)

Personal Profile

Introduce yourself. Discuss why you chose this course and what you hope to get out of your studies.

Career: Describe your relevant personal and vocational experience to date. What are your current career aspirations?

List 3 healthcare workplace environments (nursing home, hospital e.t.c) and explain the specific skills and qualifications that would be necessary to gain employment within them.

Work Experience: Describe what you know about work experience, and what is its purpose. Where do you intend to carry out your work placement and why? Stage 2 goals you hope to achieve on completion of your work experience, expand a little on these.
Job finding skills: Use the following headings to demonstrate your proficiency and understanding of the various aspects of looking for work experience:

-Describe how you plan to gain work experience using your job-finding skills, e.g online searches, job boards, nursing home websites, newspapers e.t.c.

-Apply to the job advert below and include a copy of your CV and a sample of the application with a report.

Chevron Nursing Home Wexford is recruiting for the following positions:

Healthcare Assistant

Minimum QQI Level 5 in healthcare

Experience is an advantage but not necessary.

-outline the presentations you have made for an interview for work experience. (Your answer should make reference to how you plan to dress, sit and speak as well as include outline answers to possible interview questions).

Assessment criteria: Part 2- Skills Audit 600 words

Skills audit: Rate yourself on your skills as listed below, and identify your strengths and weakness and skills that you consider to need further development. Include any challenges you might face. List 2 skills in each below

Personal Skills – Timekeeping, organization e.t.c.

Identify your strengths in the above skills. How do you hope to achieve/develop the above skills?

Outline the importance of meeting deadlines.

Interpersonal Skills – between 2 or more people.

Identify your strengths in the above skills. How do you hope to achieve/develop the above skills? (International skills are the life skills we use every day to communicate and interact with other people, both individually and in groups).

Practical Skills – Washing, dressing, assisting with eating e.t.c.

Identify your strengths in the above skills. How do you hope to achieve/develop the above skills?

Outline the importance of achieving patient care Skills.

Technical Skills – computers, hoist,electronic bed e.t.c

Identify your strengths in the above skills. How do you hope to achieve/develop the above skills?

Outline the importance of having technological skills.

Assessment criteria: part 3 Workplace legislation 1000 words.

Discuss the importance of legislation, policies, and procedures in the context of the Healthcare industry. Ensure you make reference to the following:

a) Employment legislation  e.g.:

– Your right as an employee.

– Duties of the employer.

– Regulations related to pay working hours e.t.c

-Union representation.

b) Equality legislation including the discrimination and equality acts.

c) Health and safety legislation including policies and procedures in relation to the healthcare industry.

d) Data protection in terms of protecting patients and workers confidential information.

e) Discuss your understanding of the HIQA regulations in relation to the healthcare industry.

f) Marks will also be allocated for the following

– Demonstrate evidence of critical thinking, additional research, and correct referencing

– Formatting of the project and overall layout

Part 1 – learner reflection on the work placement 1500 words

Having completed your work placement carry out a review of your learning goals, experience, and performance in relation to your educational and career options.

a) Reflect on your work placement experience by discussing the following, and give an example of each:

Feedback received by supervisor/mentor on your personal performance

– What was the feedback? Include positive and constructive.

– How did you receive this feedback? Did you welcome it or find it difficult to hear?

– Did you take this feedback on board, if so how? If not, why not?

Discuss the following challenges which may have arisen, how you overcame them, and if you  would do anything different in the future:

– conflict in workplace relations either with coworkers, patients, or patients’ relatives.

– maintaining time-keeping, and attendance.

– meeting activity of Daily living time frames, i.e coping with pressures of task workloads

– adherence to health and safety at work

Detail any new learning that occurred while on placement

– how did this build upon your course/classroom learning skills?

– strategies for self-improvement in relation to new learning/challenges.

Did the placement match your expectations? Give reasons for your answer.
Looking back at the initial self-evaluation of your skills and career goals, describe what you have learned about yourself.

b) On completion of your work placement carry out a review of your work plans and goals by discussing the following:

-link your experience from work placement to future career/plans.

-explore options for future education and training, for example, relevant courses that you might be eligible to apply for to enhance your career prospects.

-transfer and progression opportunities.

-financial considerations

-explore future options of employment, for example, possible career opportunities in Ireland and abroad.

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