You are free to use data that you obtain on your own or utilize one of the datasets from the course but, to make the project more meaningful to you, it is highly recommended that you find your own data. If you use one of the datasets from the cours

You are free to use data that you obtain on your own or utilize one of the datasets from the course but, to make the project more meaningful to you, it is highly recommended that you find your own data. If you use one of the datasets from the course, make sure that you are not mimicking a project already posted in one of the weekly Collaboration Labs. You can find existing data through a number of clearinghouses on the web. If you are having difficulty obtaining data, please be sure and contact your Instructor for some suggestions. You may also want to consider data from your workplace but be sure you have permission to use it for learning purposes.
You have three deliverables for this project. The first is an oral 5- to 7-minute
presentation that you post to the Week 11 Discussion Board. You can create a video
directly in Blackboard using Kaltura; information to help you complete this task is
available via the Kaltura Media Uploader link on the course navigation menu. Your
video should be targeted toward a lay statistical audience. That is, consider giving a
presentation of your results to your co-workers/team, a group who might not have the
level of statistical knowledge you now hold. All too often, the results of great projects are not implemented because the researcher did not translate the results and communicate © 2016 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 2 of 2 the findings to the research consumer.
For the second deliverable, please respond to at least one peer’s video presentation,
providing constructive comments on the strengths of the Final Project, as well as
identifying ways to improve. Remember, your goal will be to provide constructive and
helpful feedback, so please be polite. In your feedback, for example, you may indicate
that some aspects of your peer’s presentation could be clearer. You might provide
suggestions that could clarify the interpretation of their findings. In any case, remember that the purpose is to provide and obtain constructive and helpful feedback, so please be supportive and polite.
The third deliverable is a 7- to 10-page written product that details your approach,
results, and interpretation of findings. This should be a formal, scholarly paper, one that adheres to the APA guidelines. In this document, be sure that you:
1. Present your research question clearly.
2. Explain why you selected your dataset and the statistical test you applied to that
3. Detail whether your test has statistical power or not.
4. Use one of the statistical tests covered in this course.
5. Visually display your results.
6. Detail how your findings might impact social change.
7. Ensure that your Final Project is 7–10 pages in length, in APA format.
While you are required to use one of the statistical tests covered in this course, you
should feel free to appropriately augment with tests you learned in RSCH 8210. For
example, you may use a correlation matrix to test for multicollinearity in a regression

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