What is the most significant thing you learned from the reading? 2) What new vocabulary is introduced in the reading? Identify and define the key terms and concepts.

This is a really easy assignment I fell a little behind in class and need some guidance. This is a 5 PART assignment It will take about 2 hours to complete. All you have to do is read the chapter . After you skim through the chapters you will need to complete a synthesis assignment it is the same set of questions for each chapter.

The question includes

1) What is the most significant thing you learned from the reading?

2) What new vocabulary is introduced in the reading? Identify and define the key terms and concepts.

3) Summarize the information from the reading so that you will be able to recall the information in the future.

4) How can you use the information presented in the reading in your daily life and/or career?

5) How can the information presented be used in your area of study ?

6) Evaluate the ideas presented in the reading. Do you agree or disagree with the author(s)? Why is the information presented of value?

The chapters and the questions thanks. CHAPTERS NEEDED ARE 5
Chapter 5: News Making and News Reporting Routines
Chapter 6: The Media as Policy Makers
Chapter 7: The Struggle for Control: News from the Presidency and Congress
Chapter 9: State and Local News
Chapter 12 ;Elections in the Digital Era


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