TV3 (VIRGIN MEDIA TELEVISION) has a team leadership system. For example, the main morning current affairs program is made by a team of 4 producers: Employee Relations Case Study, NCI, Ireland

TV3 (VIRGIN MEDIA TELEVISION) has a team leadership system. For example, the main morning current affairs program is made by a team of 4 producers, 3 researchers, and a person who provides administrative support, as well as the presenter. Each production team has a team leader or editor, an appointment that may last for one or more years. The position attracts an allowance and if a producer has been paid this allowance continuously for 4 years, it is incorporated into their salary.

John Clooney is a producer with 7 years of experience who has been working as an editor for the past 4 years. Recently, he has been frustrated because he feels that his manager, Mary O’Connor, has been interfering in his decisions. Late last month, for example, he contacted a government minister’s office to set up a program item but the person there said that the item had already been agreed upon with Mary and suggested that he talk to her.

He went to Mary’s office and told her he was no longer willing to act as editor. She said he seemed to be under stress and suggested that he take time to consider the matter.

The following day, John called Mary’s office again and confirmed that he no longer wished to be an editor. She accepted his decision and appointed a colleague, Mike Daly, to the position. John would continue to work on the program team but would now be under Mike’s supervision. Because he had been an editor for 4 years, his allowance would be included in his pay. John said he was not satisfied with this, seeing the decision as a ‘slap on the wrist.

Mary remarked once more that he seemed to be very stressed. She said TV3 could offer expert counselors to staff who were under pressure and offered to refer him to one. He told her to stop talking nonsense and she said ‘look, you have some leave outstanding, why don’t you take a couple of weeks off?’ He replied,’ if that’s an instruction, I want it in writing and left.

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John has come to the HR office with a copy of an email from Mary. The relevant excerpt reads ‘further to our meeting today, I can confirm that you have built up 28 days of leave which must be taken before the end of 2014. 1 hereby instructs you to take that leave beginning at the close of business today.

He tells you that he does not want to take leave under these conditions and that he believes Mary has been bullying him. You have heard Mary accused of bullying in the past but the accusations were withdrawn. John says it is time this matter was sorted out and he wants an apology for Mary’s behavior.


Provide an introduction/abstract of the assignment, including the context of ER (employee relations) in TV3 and three main issues of conflict in the case study
Elaborate on your data collection and data analysis approaches.
Form your research and the case, and discuss the management of ER in TV3 focusing on its strategy, policies, employee engagement, voice, and representation.
From the issues identified in the case, conceptualize three key grievances/conflict and their theoretical underpinnings.
Use theory to critically analyze the case and provide an adequate approach to handle the grievances/conflict in an effective manner within TV3. The essence here is how you draw on the relevant literature and practice in similar firms to address the identified issues in the TV3 case.
Analyze the options available, beyond TV3, to the employee and the employer to adequately pursue their case if one or more outcomes/steps arc deemed unsatisfactory by either party.
Provide a critical concluding thought on conflict/grievance management in organizations in Ireland.
Adhere to the recommended referencing style and assignment guidelines.

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