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Home » This demonstrates in some way a change made to practice or provision in the Early Years setting you making a change: Early Childhood Curriculum Assignment, UCC, Ireland

This demonstrates in some way a change made to practice or provision in the Early Years setting you making a change: Early Childhood Curriculum Assignment, UCC, Ireland

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This demonstrates in some way a change made to practice or provision in the Early Years setting you making a change in your own ECCE classroom where you are working.

The scenario of the chance is the implementation and creation of the doll house, with toys such as a dolls pram, in the classroom. The reason for this change is that you were observing children and some of the children were playing a lot with baby dolls recently and one child’s mammy is pregnant.

Inclusion of parents in the ECCE setting is a good practice and by playing with baby dolls we can help to prepare the child for the change coming in his family of being a big brother to his baby sister or brother. Change has to be child-led. Observing children’s interests is child-led and including parents for this age group, it is child-led as parents can give ideas of their children’s interests.

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