The software development team manager has requested that you investigate and consider how developments: Information Technology Assignment, CU, UK


The software development team manager has requested that you investigate and consider how developments in technology have changed the way users make use of, and interact with, computer systems and the impact this has on society.

Evaluate how the use of computers has developed from the use of early computers to today’s interactive devices:

command line interfaces versus graphical user interfaces
sense orientation, graphical, speech, and touch

The developments in user interaction in these areas of hardware

pointing devices
speech recognition/voice control
3D interfaces
virtual and augmented reality
artificial intelligence systems.

Evaluate how the interaction between the computer system and the user is affected by the type of users, device, and needs.

types of users: ­ expert users ­ regular users ­ occasional users ­ beginner/novice users
health and safety

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