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The mission of Unilever is to meet the nutrition, hygiene, and personal care of consumers across the globe: Managing a Successful Business Case Study, OU, UK

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Mission and Vision

The mission of Unilever is to meet the nutrition, hygiene, and personal care of consumers across the globe. By doing this, Unilever wants to add value and vitality to the life of masses across the globe. This is achieved by Unilever by introducing products in different segments of the market and by ensuring that its products are safe and of high quality. The vision of Unilever is to abide by the rules of sustainable living. This vision ensures that Unilever wants to do its business by conserving resources for future generations. This also ensures long survival and profitability for Unilever.

History and Key Activities

Unilever was established back in 1929 by a merger of British and Dutch companies. Soon the company spread out in Asia and Africa and eventually to the entire world. There were many challenges in the early years, especially in the expansion phase. Unilever was initially a detergent manufacturer. It later ventured into the food business, especially in butter manufacturing. There was a consumer boom after the second world war that developed a strong market share for Unilever. Now Unilever has around fourteen different brands that earn more than a billion Euros a year. Key activities of Unilever include manufacturing food, beverage, home, and personal care products.


Major competitors of Unilever include Procter and Gamble, Colgate Palmolive, Nestle, Mondelez International, Kimberly-Clark, and Kerry. All these competitors of Unilever are large-scale manufacturers and are multinational entities with operations almost across the entire globe. All these competitors provide similar products to Unilever and are in similar markets; therefore, the competition is tough which translates to lower prices and higher quality for the end consumer.

CSR Goals

CSR goals of Unilever include being more sustainable in doing business and halving the carbon footprint by 2030. Unilever takes global warming seriously which is why it has set such an ambitious goal. Apart from environmental protection, Unilever also considers the development of the communities in which it is functioning. Community involvement also leads to positive brand equity and consumer trust and loyalty. Unilever has a foundation that funds community projects like sanitation, education, and health. Over the years, Unilever has profited from these activities as people have a positive perception of the brand.

Recent Achievements

Unilever ranks among the top 5 best supply chains across the globe in Gartner’s supply chain rating. GlobeScan has also ranked Unilever among the top brands in corporate leadership. According to the reports of DJSI, Unilever has consistently ranked at the top of the personal products category. CDP has also ranked it for bringing a leader in risk management, transparency, and water management.

Unique Selling Point (USP)

USP of Unilever includes a sustainable business model and providing products to customers that make them feel good about themselves. This creates brand recall among the consumers and these consumers buy the brand repeatedly as the products make their lives easier and make them feel good about themselves.

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