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Home » The first part of the semester project will be creating the company that you wil

The first part of the semester project will be creating the company that you wil

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The first part of the semester project will be creating the company that you will base your semester project. This is your choice but from past semesters I have some suggestions for you. REMEMBER – This is a made-up or hypothetical company that you create.
1) Choose an industry that interests you and you have some knowledge or want to learn. This makes the semester project writing easier.
2) Remember the international requirement when creating your company. If your company is too small the international component will be difficult, if the company is too large, the operations policies will be difficult.
The company biography is what you will base the rest of the semester project on. It should be 3-5 pages including a history of the company, the corporate structure, and locations, operations described in general so that I will understand your business model.
The corporate ethics officer’s job description will be 1-2 pages describing the duties and how they fit into the corporate structure.
When you submit your paper I will provide feedback so you can improve the paper for inclusion in your semester final project.
Remember to use APA format!

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