The child under observation should be provided, a diagnosis or other relevant concerns, and an explanation of the current resources and supports for the child: Special Needs Assistant Skill Demonstration Assignment, OC, Ireland

An overview of the child under observation should be provided, a diagnosis or other relevant concerns, and an explanation of the current resources and supports for the child. Include any known information about the child from your own observations, talking to staff, parents, etc. Provide appropriate referencing where necessary.
You should conclude with a needs/strengths analysis across a range of functioning. These might be cognitive ability, language & communication, Motor Skills, Personal & Social Skills, Attitude & Motivation, Literacy/numeracy, other academic skills, etc. In the needs/strengths analysis list everything the child can do and everything the child cannot do. A minimum of 5 ‘strengths’ and 5 ‘needs should be provided and classified.
How long you have been observing, how long they are attending the setting and then you will recommend 2 skills demonstrations (activities) from your analysis of the child’s needs and strengths.

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