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system analysis design

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  • Update the System Requirements, Design, and Implementation Specification title page with the new date.
  • Update the previously completed sections based on the instructor’s feedback.
  • Test and Quality Assurance Plan
    • Develop a plan for unit testing. Include specific application functions that will be tested and how the tests will be conducted.
    • Develop a plan for system testing. Include areas that you will test within both the application and a system as a whole and how errors will be tracked and reported.
    • Develop a plan for user acceptance testing. Include key stakeholders who should perform the test and how they will record any issues that they find.
    • Develop a quality assurance plan. Include specific quality assurance methods or control, what their purpose is, and in which phase they will be utilized.
  • Name the document “yourname_IT425_IP3.doc.”

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