1. Watch the video demonstrating the use of the Proquest database at http://www.nvcc.edu/depts/library_projects/examples/proquestsearchingr_demo.htm.
NOTE: The ProQuest link on the document is no longer active. There are ProQuest demos all over the internet, and you may search for you own. ProQuest runs their own channel on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/user/proquestvideo
2. Using Proquest and at least two other library databases at http://www.nvcc.edu/library/databases.htm, begin researching your topic. Use the search ideas from your group members and your own ideas. Take notes about the content of useful articles (including their citations).
3. Note the features of each database that you use. Think about what is the same as Proquest and what is different, such as the tabs for different ways of searching, the options you have once you choose a way of searching, the ability to obtain specific types of sources, information on sidebars, search tips, etc.
4. Identify at least one feature each for the two databases, other than the use of the simple search box, which would help you be more successful in your research.
5. In the Using Databases class discussion, find the threads for the databases you reviewed and post a reply in each describing a useful feature you found. Please be detailed as you describe the feature by using specific information such as where the feature is located in the database, if there are particular tabs to click or links to use. In this way others will be able to follow your directions. Do not duplicate anyone else’s feature; if someone has already described the feature you were going to describe, describe another useful feature.

6. Read the features described by your classmates. They will help you do your research more effectively and efficiently.
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