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Selecting a New EHR System for Your Clinic: Building Effective Teams, Managing Change, and Mitigating Risk

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Assignment Instructions:

You are the administrator of a clinic with 50 employees. You have been tasked with facilitating discussion with other health professionals in your clinic to select a new EHR system, which will be implemented across the organization. Please complete the assignment as indicated in the instructions below.
Part 1
Construct a plan to build 1–2 effective teams to collaborate in selecting a new EHR system for the clinic. Identify the professional roles that should be represented on your team(s). You should be prepared for possible disagreements regarding priorities and processes, so your plan must include at least three team or consensus-building methods.
Part 2
Evaluate the concepts of change management theories, techniques, and leadership by assessing typical challenges seen with implementing a new EHR system across an organization. Your evaluation should demonstrate that you have considered how a transition to EHR would result in the need to plan for change management interventions. Provide two examples of challenges arising from EHR adoption and detail the change management theories that you would enact to overcome resistance to change.
Part 3
Demonstrate implementation of a departmental strategic plan by detailing at least two areas of risk exposure mitigation, organizational or process redesign, training, or communication strategy, as they relate to EHR implementation.
Part 4
Demonstrate understanding of the purpose of the procurement process. What are the purposes of the request for proposal (RFP), the request for information (RFI), and the request for quotation (RFQ)? Provide detail for when and how to use each to help an HCO more fully identify its needs and the issues involved with planning for significant projects or purchases.
Assignment Requirements:
Please complete all parts in a Microsoft Word® document.
The body of your document should be at least 1,200 words in length.
Quoting should be less than 10% of the entire paper. Paraphrasing is necessary.
Students must cite and reference at least four credible sources from the Library.
Please be sure to visit the Writing Center to assist you with meeting APA expectations for written assignments.
You are the administrator of a clinic with 50 employees. You have been tasked with facilitating discussion with other health professionals in your clinic to select a new EHR system, which will be implemented across the organization. Please complete the assignment as indicated in the instructions below.
Part 1
Construct a plan to build 1–2 effective teams to collaborate in selecting a new EHR system for the clinic. Identify the professional roles that should be represented on your team(s). You should be prepared for possible disagreements regarding priorities and processes, so your plan must include at least three team or consensus-building methods.
Part 2
Evaluate the concepts of change management theories, techniques, and leadership by assessing typical challenges seen with implementing a new EHR system across an organization. Your evaluation should demonstrate that you have considered how a transition to EHR would result in the need to plan for change management interventions. Provide two examples of challenges arising from EHR adoption and detail the change management theories that you would enact to overcome resistance to change.
Part 3
Demonstrate implementation of a departmental strategic plan by detailing at least two areas of risk exposure mitigation, organizational or process redesign, training, or communication strategy, as they relate to EHR implementation.
Part 4
Demonstrate understanding of the purpose of the procurement process. What are the purposes of the request for proposal (RFP), the request for information (RFI), and the request for quotation (RFQ)? Provide detail for when and how to use each to help an HCO more fully identify its needs and the issues involved with planning for significant projects or purchases.
Assignment Requirements:
Please complete all parts in a Microsoft Word® document.
The body of your document should be at least 1,200 words in length.
Quoting should be less than 10% of the entire paper. Paraphrasing is necessary.
Students must cite and reference at least four credible sources from the Library.
Please be sure to visit the Writing Center to assist you with meeting APA expectations for written assignments.
You are the administrator of a clinic with 50 employees. You have been tasked with facilitating discussion with other health professionals in your clinic to select a new EHR system, which will be implemented across the organization. Please complete the assignment as indicated in the instructions below.
Part 1
Construct a plan to build 1–2 effective teams to collaborate in selecting a new EHR system for the clinic. Identify the professional roles that should be represented on your team(s). You should be prepared for possible disagreements regarding priorities and processes, so your plan must include at least three team or consensus-building methods.
Part 2
Evaluate the concepts of change management theories, techniques, and leadership by assessing typical challenges seen with implementing a new EHR system across an organization. Your evaluation should demonstrate that you have considered how a transition to EHR would result in the need to plan for change management interventions. Provide two examples of challenges arising from EHR adoption and detail the change management theories that you would enact to overcome resistance to change.
Part 3
Demonstrate implementation of a departmental strategic plan by detailing at least two areas of risk exposure mitigation, organizational or process redesign, training, or communication strategy, as they relate to EHR implementation.
Part 4
Demonstrate understanding of the purpose of the procurement process. What are the purposes of the request for proposal (RFP), the request for information (RFI), and the request for quotation (RFQ)? Provide detail for when and how to use each to help an HCO more fully identify its needs and the issues involved with planning for significant projects or purchases.
Assignment Requirements:
Please complete all parts in a Microsoft Word® document.
The body of your document should be at least 1,200 words in length.
Quoting should be less than 10% of the entire paper. Paraphrasing is necessary.
Students must cite and reference at least four credible sources from the Library.
Please be sure to visit the Writing Center to assist you with meeting APA expectations for written assignments.
You are the administrator of a clinic with 50 employees. You have been tasked with facilitating discussion with other health professionals in your clinic to select a new EHR system, which will be implemented across the organization. Please complete the assignment as indicated in the instructions below.
Part 1
Construct a plan to build 1–2 effective teams to collaborate in selecting a new EHR system for the clinic. Identify the professional roles that should be represented on your team(s). You should be prepared for possible disagreements regarding priorities and processes, so your plan must include at least three team or consensus-building methods.
Part 2
Evaluate the concepts of change management theories, techniques, and leadership by assessing typical challenges seen with implementing a new EHR system across an organization. Your evaluation should demonstrate that you have considered how a transition to EHR would result in the need to plan for change management interventions. Provide two examples of challenges arising from EHR adoption and detail the change management theories that you would enact to overcome resistance to change.
Part 3
Demonstrate implementation of a departmental strategic plan by detailing at least two areas of risk exposure mitigation, organizational or process redesign, training, or communication strategy, as they relate to EHR implementation.
Part 4
Demonstrate understanding of the purpose of the procurement process. What are the purposes of the request for proposal (RFP), the request for information (RFI), and the request for quotation (RFQ)? Provide detail for when and how to use each to help an HCO more fully identify its needs and the issues involved with planning for significant projects or purchases.
Assignment Requirements:
Please complete all parts in a Microsoft Word® document.
The body of your document should be at least 1,200 words in length.
Quoting should be less than 10% of the entire paper. Paraphrasing is necessary.
Students must cite and reference at least four credible sources from the Library.
Please be sure to visit the Writing Center to assist you with meeting APA expectations for written assignments.

How To Work On This Assignment(Example Draft/Essay)


Selecting an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system is an essential decision for any healthcare organization. The process of choosing an EHR system involves significant efforts, resources, and collaboration between different professionals. In this essay, I will develop a plan to build effective teams to collaborate in selecting a new EHR system for a clinic with 50 employees. Additionally, I will evaluate the concepts of change management theories and leadership, demonstrating the need to plan for change management interventions when transitioning to an EHR. I will also demonstrate the implementation of a departmental strategic plan that mitigates risk exposure, and finally, I will explain the purposes of the procurement process, specifically the Request for Proposal (RFP), the Request for Information (RFI), and the Request for Quotation (RFQ).

Part 1: Building Effective Teams

Selecting a new EHR system requires effective collaboration between different professionals. A team must be formed to ensure the selection process is done with precision, accuracy, and effectiveness. The team should comprise various professionals with different expertise, including:

  1. Administrators: Administrators can ensure that the system’s selection process aligns with the organization’s strategic goals and objectives.
  2. Physicians: Physicians will be the primary users of the EHR system, so their input is essential in choosing the right system.
  3. Nurses: Nurses are the backbone of healthcare, and they are responsible for recording and maintaining patients’ health records. Therefore, their input in the selection process is vital.
  4. Health Information Technologists (HITs): HITs have expertise in health information systems, and they can provide valuable insights into the selection process.
  5. Patient Representatives: Patient representatives can offer valuable insight into patient experiences and can help ensure that the system selected benefits the patient’s experience.

To build an effective team, the following three team or consensus-building methods must be included:

  1. Consensus Decision-making: This method involves reaching a decision through a collaborative process that involves all members of the team. The team will discuss the pros and cons of each option and make a decision that everyone agrees with.
  2. Brainstorming: This method involves generating ideas as a team without any preconceptions or criticisms. The team will list all possible options and then evaluate each option to determine the best one.
  3. Nominal Group Technique: This method is a structured process that involves generating ideas, categorizing them, and then ranking them. Each member of the team will provide ideas, and then the team will evaluate them based on their importance, feasibility, and effectiveness.

Part 2: Change Management Theories

Change management is a structured approach to transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations from a current state to a desired future state. Implementing a new EHR system involves change management interventions to overcome resistance to change. Two examples of challenges arising from EHR adoption include:

  1. Resistance to change: Change can be difficult, and employees may resist the implementation of the new EHR system.
  2. Lack of training: Employees may not know how to use the new system effectively, which can result in errors, productivity losses, and frustration.

To overcome these challenges, the following change management theories can be enacted:

  1. Lewin’s Change Management Model: This model involves three stages: unfreezing, changing, and refreezing. During the unfreezing stage, employees are made aware of the need for change. During the changing stage, the new EHR system is implemented, and employees are trained to use it effectively. During the refreezing stage, the new system is integrated into the organization’s processes.
  2. Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model: This model involves eight steps that organizations can follow to achieve successful change management. These steps include establishing a sense of urgency, creating

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