Be sure to label the answers #1, #2, #3 and #4.
Question 1: Use the following eight Scriptures and attach probabilities to each.
1. Gen. 22:18 |
As Isaac’s seed, will bless all nations |
2. Gen. 49:10 |
The Seed of Judah |
3. Num. 9:12 |
Not a bone of Him broken |
4. 2 Sam. 7:12 |
David’s Seed |
5. Psa. 22:2 |
Darkness upon Calvary for three hours |
6. Psa. 22:12-13 |
They seek His death |
7. Psa. 31:11 |
His acquaintances fled from Him |
8. Psa. 38:20 |
He went about doing good |
Question 1
1. Think more about the probability of each event. For example, what is the chance that a person born in Israel would be born in or be from Bethlehem? What would the probability be that a person would be crucified in Israel given that he lived in that time period? Put numbers on each of the eight prophecy fulfillments. Some of the probabilities will be subjective, but put values that you feel make sense and write a short justification for the value you picked. For example, if one of the prophecies said that the Messiah would come from the house of Judah, you could say that the probability is 1/12, since there were 12 tribes. Do not put probabilities of 0 or 1. You can get closer than you might think—Google can tell you what the population of Israel was in the days or Christ, for example. The important thing is to write down your justification as to why you assigned the probabilities you did to each prophecy.
Question 2: Stoner’s eight prophecies can be found at (Starting on page 46):
1. Choose one of the eight prophecies in Stonerâ€s research. Explain how he might have arrived at the probability he assigned. Do you think his estimated probability is too high(conservative) or too low? What probability would you assign and why?
Question 3: You should have three separate numeric answers here.
1. Given the new probabilities you associated with each prophecy, what is the probability that all eight happened at once? Hint: Whatâ€s the probability that you flip a coin and it comes up tails? 50%. What if you flip the coin twice and it comes up tails both times? 1/2*1/2 = 25%. What if three times? 1/2*1/2*1/2 = 1/8. What if four? Five? Now think about the probability of just two prophecies coming to pass at the same time. What would the probability be? What about three prophecies? Eight? Show your work.
Question 4: Give a detailed opinion or reflection, trying to make it around 200 words. Hereâ€s what one student wrote in a previous class and I thought it was neat in light of the activity we did in this weekâ€
s discussion board: Having been raised Jewish, I was very familiar with the Old Testament. To me, that was the truth, and anything beyond that was uncertain and unlikely. The word “Jesus†made me very uncomfortable and, being the factual and scientific person that I am, the likelihood of many New Testament events occurring was nil. I had always believed in something beyond the Old Testament, yet embracing New Testament events just seemed illogical. It wasnâ€
t until reading The Handbook of Christian Apologetics that I truly became a Christian, and itâ€
s a book that I recommend for any person, Christian or not. The above verses are wonderful, and when read systematically show the depth of Biblical prophecy and the character of many people in the Bible. To draw off of what Tony said in his post, all of these prophecies occurring in one man would indeed be impossible. Thatâ€
s a fact. But this was not one man, this was God. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Question 4
1. Reflecion Question: Do you think it is possible that someone other than Jesus could have fulfilled the prophecies of the Bible? Why do some religious groups claim to believe the Bible, but reject Jesus as the Messiah?
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