PSY367: The figure below shows a 3-cell thin-walled tubular section subjected to a torque T about its twist center: Work Stress Essay, SUSS

The figure below shows a 3-cell thin-walled tubular section subjected to a torque T about its twist center. The thickness of the outer walls is too and that of the inner walls is as shown. Given that L1=L2=100 mm, L3=50 mm, to=2 mm, ti=1 mm, shear modulus G = 28 GPa, the allowable shear stress is 60 MPa and the allowable relative angle of twist is 0.1 degree per meter. Determine :

the shear flows in the walls based on strength (i.e. allowable shear stress) and its allowable torque. Plot the distribution of these shear flows in the walls.
the shear flows in the walls based on stiffness (i.e allowable angle of twist) and its allowable torque. Plot the distribution of these shear flows in the walls.
the allowable torque if both strength and stiffness are to be satisfied.
A structural designer proposed to use a lower-grade material with an allowable shear stress of 20 MPa for the inner walls of this 3-cell section. Discuss the feasibility of such a proposal, assuming that the geometrical parameters, mechanical property G, and allowable twist remain unchanged.

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