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please use these websites for this essay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lesson 8: the essay will consist of a report – Write My Paper Today

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please use these websites for this essay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lesson 8: the essay will consist of a report on the self-management practice you started in Lesson 2. In preparation for this essay, return to Lesson 2 and repeat the self-assessments. You will compare your initial results with your new results in this essay.  In this essay, self-plagiarism is allowed.

Introduction: should include a sentence on the importance of caring self-management for professional effectiveness

Paragraph 1: Which self-assessment was most concerning to you, the self-compassion assessment or the self-efficacy portion, and why?

Paragraph 2: What self-management technique did you implement to address your concerns? Describe your plan, and how well you followed the plan you initially set.

Paragraph 3: Were there any changes in your self-assessment results when you repeated them? Describe why you think your plan did or did not result in any changes in your self-assessment results. Describe additional things you can do to either deepen or maintain the changes you have achieved.

Conclusion: should include some indication of how you will use this information in the future

Essay requirements:

5 paragraphs, minimum
1,250 words, minimum
Using the following resources:
Textbook or assigned reading
Supplemental resource provided in class
academic sources obtained through your own research

In-text citations are required for any concepts, data, facts, terminology, etc. obtained from any of the resources.
All resources should be cited in the body of the text whenever information from the resource is utilized.
Citations must include page numbers where available.
Resource list is required.

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