It has been asserted that Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press transformed European culture and society: History and Structure of the Media Essay, MU, Ireland

It has been asserted that Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press transformed European culture and society in the following centuries. What impact did the printing press have and how did it achieve these effects?
The understanding of what “Public Service Broadcasting” means in the United Kingdom has changed dramatically since the 1920s. How has it changed and what factors – political, economic, technological, or cultural – account for this change?
Choosing EITHER the Irish newspaper sector OR Irish broadcasting describes how the intervention of the state has at different times both constrained and supported the development of these media since 1922.
Choosing EITHER the period from the 1920s to the 1950s OR from the 1970s onwards, describe how Hollywood’s industrial configuration has influenced the content of the films they produce and/or distribute.

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