How is the historical site relevant to American history from 1500-1865? What historical event or events were covered in your tour? What artifacts and or displayed items were most interesting to you? Why? What stood out abou

Reflecting on historical experiences can lead to a change in perspective and provide a deeper understanding of past events. This assignment will give you the opportunity to share the experience of the museum national park tour  you took based on the Museum or National Park Visit: Proposal Assignment. In this written overview, you will contemplate the historical importance of the site you selected and highlight the aspects of the tour that impacted you most.


Write a 600-700-word overview of your historical tour answering each of the following prompts:

How is the historical site relevant to American history from 1500-1865?
What historical event or events were covered in your tour?
What artifacts and or displayed items were most interesting to you? Why?
What stood out about this location? Why?

S. How did the tour help you appreciate history?


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