How does it impact the mind and body? What are the potential consequences for short and long term stress? Next, take some time to research various stress management strategies. The text provided some grea

Stress Management Strategies

For this discussion, begin by conducting some independent research on the topic of stress. Consider the following:

What is stress?

How does it impact the mind and body?

What are the potential consequences for short and long term stress?

Next, take some time to research various stress management strategies. The text provided some great examples, but feel free to research/identify additional strategies. Pay particularly close attention as to why and how these strategies are effective in helping manage or reduce stress.

For your initial post, imagine you are sitting with a client who is currently experiencing significant stress. Despite the obvious implications, your client is not acknowledging the severe impact her stress is having on her mental and physical health. Her stress is so debilitating that you recognize it as a priority in your work together.

In your own words, describe stress and its implications to this client. What effect does stress have on a person’s mental and physical health? What are the short and long term consequences? Make sure you are referencing concepts from the weekly reading, as well as information gathered from your independent research.

Next, present three different stress management strategies for this client. Introduce the strategy and explain why and how each strategy can be an effective tool for managing stress.

Make sure your strategies and explanations are detailed and specific. For example, do not say “Get a good night’s rest.” Instead, you might explain the benefits to sleep and state “Set your alarm for 11:00 PM every night and ensure that you are preparing for rest and in bed by 11:30pm. Record your failures and analyze what is stopping you from accomplishing your goal.” Your stress management strategies must be specific and manageable, and you should explain why these goals would support a client’s w


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