How did Samsung oust Apple from the market for smartphones globally? Apple: Did they ever have a chance? 2. How did Samsung prevail over Apple in the patent infringement lawsuit?

Samsung vs. Apple.
1. How did Samsung oust Apple from the market for smartphones globally? Apple: Did they ever have a chance?
2. How did Samsung prevail over Apple in the patent infringement lawsuit?
3. Given that Samsung is a significant rival in the smartphone market, why did Apple continue to rely heavily on Samsung as a supplier for all versions of the iPhone?
4. Project the growth of the smartphone industry and the long-term positioning of Apple and Samsung.


According to estimates released on Friday, Apple outperformed Samsung Electronics in the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2021 in terms of worldwide smartphone shipments.

In the three months that ended in December, Apple beat its South Korean competitor to take the top spot in the smartphone industry, with a 22% market share to Samsung’s 18%, according to market research companies Strategy Analytics and Counterpoint Research.

According to Strategy Analytics, Samsung delivered 69 million phones between October and December while Apple shipped 80 million as a result of strong demand for the new iPhone 13 series, which was introduced in September, in China and other regions.

Contrastingly to Apple’s 81.5 million devices, Counterpoint Research claimed that Samsung shipped 67.2 million units.

According to Strategy Analytics, the Covid-19 pandemic-related chip shortages and production interruptions caused a 3 percent decline in global smartphone shipments in the fourth quarter compared to the same time last year, totaling 365 million devices.

According to data, Apple often does better in the fourth quarter thanks to new iPhone releases, which primarily take place in the second half of the year, according to Yonhap news agency.

In the months of October through December of 2019, Apple and Samsung each had 18 percent of the market, and in 2020, Apple’s share increased to 21 percent, compared to Samsung’s 16 percent.

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