Guided Response:
Respond to the fellow students†posts in a substantive manner. Some ways to do this include the following, though you may choose a different approach, providing your response is substantive:
Agree or disagree with your classmateâ€s position. Defend your position by using information from the weekâ€
s readings or examples from current events.
1.Analysis approach
Grounded theory is an approach for qualitative researchers that results in a grounded theory. When using this approach the focus is on theory generation—thatâ€s to say the construction of a theory from the data. “Grounded theory is one that is discovered, developed, and provisionally verified through systematic data collection and analysis of data†(Landrum, 2014).
Grounded Theory
It has always been a belief that two people working the same job will be paid differently based on their gender. The grounded theory based on the information provided in the census is as follows; males working the same job get paid on average more than females. A grounded theory is formulated only after having analyzed the data.
The United State Census Bureau performed a 12 month median earnings based on sex and provided the estimates for the years of 2008-2012. In many cases not only did males make more money, doing the same profession as their female counterparts, but they made twice as much. Social services and cleaning / maintenance occupations were the only two professions where woman made more money than men (Occupation by Sex, 2012). After having analyzed the median earnings of both men and woman of over twenty different professions it is safe to say that men do in fact make more money than woman when performing the same job.
Landrum, R. (2014). Research Methods for Business: Tools and Applications. San Diego, CA; Bridgepoint Education, Inc.
United States Census Bureau: Occupation by Sex. (2012). Retrieved from
Qualitative Analysis technique The Grounded Theory Approach is an inductive method where a theory is generated from data, rather than creating a theory and then backing it up with data (Landrum, 2014). The process involves collecting the data and getting into the data in order to develop a theory (Landrum, 2014). The four most important characteristics of the Grounded theory are fit, understanding, generality and control (Landrum, 2014). Census Data The Data I selected is from the United States Census Bureau Quick facts. The average commute time for people residing in California is 27.1 minutes, versus 25.4 minutes for the average in all US states. Analysis Results Research Question: Why is the average commute for someone residing in California longer than in other states? Hypothesis: The average commute is longer for Californians because the average income level is higher and there are a higher percentage of high school graduates. Because education rates and income levels are higher, there tends to be better jobs available which people are willing to commute longer for. In this example, I developed a theory based upon the data that was in existence. The results are in alignment with the characteristics of the Grounded Theory Approach.
References Landrum, R. E. (2014). Research methods for business: Tools and applications. SanDiego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. State & County QuickFacts. U.S. Census Bureau (2014). Retrieved from:
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