Find a current article that discusses an aspect of real estate law or discusses an issue that brings real estate law into play. Provide a link to the article. Provide a short summary of the article. Then fully discuss an examine the legal aspects that the article presents. Be sure to discuss the laws that apply and analyze the issues, coming to a well-reasoned and well supported conclusion. The submission should be 1-2 pages. Err on the side of sharing more versus less. Make sure you have analyzed it and explained it to us.

Find a current article that discusses an aspect of real estate law or discusses an issue that brings real estate law into play. Provide a link to the article. Provide a short summary of the article. Then fully discuss an examine the legal aspects that the article presents. Be sure to discuss the laws that apply and analyze the issues, coming to a well-reasoned and well supported conclusion. The submission should be 1-2 pages. Err on the side of sharing more versus less. Make sure you have analyzed it and explained it to us.

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